Turnkey Office - Company Logo

Turnkey Office

Contest Holder Justin20Crawford ?

Last Logged in : 4719days9hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

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Project Finalized

Project: Turnkey Office - Company Logo
Industry: Consulting Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 24, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 81 concepts
Winning Design by: Dylan
Close Date: Apr 02, 2012

Turnkey Office - Company Logo - Consulting

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Turnkey Office - Company Logo

Turnkey Office


I need a simple text-based logo for my consulting firm that makes me look big, modern and professional. I provide consulting services to small professional businesses like law firms and accounting firms, and need to convey that my company is large, professional, on the cutting edge of technology and innovation, and trustworthy.

My logo needs to be easily interchangeable, because my company has many layers. "Turnkey Office" is the main company - and will need its own logo and have its own website. But when we deal with law firms, we will use the trade name "Turnkey Legal", accountants will be "Turnkey Accounting", and sometimes we will even provide specialized solutions to clients that will be branded as "Turnkey Solutions"... so my logo should incorporate that "Turnkey" branding as consistent throughout, while making it easy for me to replace the "Office" text with something else like "Legal", "Accounting", or "Solutions." (Changes that I can make myself down the road once you get me started with this main concept.)

I need something that will look good in place of the "fortune" logo in the upper-left corner of this template: http://livedemo00.template-help.com/joomla_35808/ I would like to implement the same basic color scheme used in this template.

Keep in mind, however, that this logo will also need to be used on business cards.

Right now, this logo for turnkey furnishings seems in the alley of what I'm looking for - a good inspiration to get you started. http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=d5m&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1920&bih=1128&tbm=isch&tbnid=WsRCUlPGqerjuM:&imgrefurl=http://www.designcoordinators.com/lightbox.php%3Fassign_id%3D59&docid=7y17_RZcM76wMM&imgurl=http://www.designcoordinators.com/cms/files/1320320463logo_11_turnkey.jpg&w=765&h=300&ei=EdBtT9-eNMbk0QHO7-3tBg&zoom=1


Logo Type
Logo Type

Industry Oriented

Green, Black, Grey and White. I generally want to stay consistent to the color palette in my website template at http://livedemo00.template-help.com/joomla_35808/

not sure

Remember that this needs to be incorporated in that website template linked to above, as well as on business cards. Remember that it needs to be easy to change so that "Turnkey Office" can become "Turnkey Legal" or "Turnkey Accounting" or "Turnkey Solutions" while keeping consistent branding throughout.

I'm open to incorporating some sort of simple graphic into the text logo like they did at Earnst & Young (http://www.ey.com/) and Mercer (http://www.mercer.com/home.htm), but I'm not sure that I need it either. You let me know what you think looks best and meets all the criteria noted above.

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  • March 31, 2012 9:11 AM
    tabish tabish
    thank you sir

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  • March 31, 2012 7:48 AM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    Tabish, thank you. Draft #81 looks great! I'll pass this along to the rest of my team now to determine what their favorite is. Right now, it is between Draft #81, #76, #75, #64, and #53.... Not necessarily in that order, but those are what appears to be the five finalists... and I would put Draft #81 in the top three.

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  • March 31, 2012 6:56 AM
    tabish tabish
    ok ch: now what i do ?

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  • March 30, 2012 5:31 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    Tabish. I would really like to see draft #39 with the word TURN and KEY differentiated with different colors - like you did in draft #66. But please do not make any other changes to draft #39 other than the color of TURN or KEY. The additional font and design changes you added into draft #66 I do not like. I do not like the new font (italics) in draft #66, and I think the teeth on the key make it look over-designed.

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  • March 29, 2012 8:32 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    To update you. As of the time of this post I have eliminated all drafts except, in order of my preference right now, Drafts #53, #39, and #33. The reason that Draft #33 has slipped from my favorite design to my third favorite is because, when compared to Drafts #53 and #39 (especially Draft #53)... it just looks more playful, and less professional than the other designs. My most important priority in this design is to convey a sense of professionalism. So that's the current thinking that's shaping my current ranking of the three designs left in the running... in case it's helpful to anyone that thinks they can do better. These are all beautiful designs though!

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  • March 29, 2012 8:27 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    I'd be curious to see what draft #39 would look like if the colors of the words TURN were differentiated from the word KEY. That seems to be the only criticism of Draft #39 right now. Otherwise, it's a very popular design... probably #2 in the running right now.

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  • March 27, 2012 9:54 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    I'm intrigued by Draft #22, but wonder what it would look like against a black background.

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  • March 27, 2012 3:47 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    Ugh... sorry... I sure wish there were a way to edit or delete comments... very frustrating that I can't. I meant draft #29 looks really good! I'm just going to go ahead and eliminate draft #30 for clarity.

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  • March 27, 2012 3:46 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    Macan... sorry, I didn't notice that top design in Draft #30. I wrote too soon. Draft #30 looks very good.

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  • March 27, 2012 3:44 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    A note to all designers, it really helps me if you can display a version of your logo on both a black and a white background. Some of these logos look beautiful against a white backdrop, but don't translate so seamlessly to my website - which has a black background in the top bar where this logo will go. For example, what would Draft #31 look like against a black backdrop? That's hard for me to picture.

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  • March 27, 2012 3:42 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    McCan, thanks for mocking up this design on a black background, as well as a white one, in Draft #30. I wonder what it would look like if the center part of that icon were white i/o green... and the word KEY on the black-background version were green?

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  • March 27, 2012 8:19 AM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    One quick request for the author of Draft #16. It's close, I'm a fan of Draft #13 and #8, as well... but right now, I think draft #16 is my favorite. I'm concerned, however, as how this is going to work on my website with a black background. Could you work up a concept of this logo that's designed to go where the "Fortune" logo on this template is? http://livedemo00.template-help.com/joomla_35808/

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  • March 27, 2012 8:04 AM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    I don't have time to review these right now, as I'm just about to leave to step on a plane. But I just wanted to say thank you to the author of #13 and #21 for showing me what these logos would look like with both a black background and white background. I definately am going to have them on a black background on my website (where that fortune logo is on the template I keep referencing). I'm not sure how my business cards are going to look. I may want a logo on a white background - or maybe just keep my logo in a black box... I don't know. But it's helpful to see how the logo plays out on either a white or black background... so thank you for showing this to me with both of these logos. Both look good. A lot of these logos are starting to look good. I can't wait until I have more time to go through them.

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  • March 26, 2012 3:50 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    Draft #6 is good, but not quite as good as Draft #7. For one, I don't like how you got fancy with the "O" in "Office"... only because that won't translate as seamlessly when I modify this same logo to spell out "Turnkey Legal", etc. Of all the drafts I can see so far - Drafts #1 - #7... Draft #7 is my favorite... but it's not quite there. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT DRAFT #7: (1) I like the color scheme - including how you integrated black and green in the word "TURNKEY", but kept "office" black, (2) I like how "TURNKEY" is capitalized, but "office" is not", (3) I also like the effort to play with the "R" in "TURNKEY". WHAT I'M NOT SURE ABOUT IN DRAFT #7: It looks a little cartoonish to me. I need this logo to scream professionalism0 and look modern and fairly simple. I think an adjustment to the font choice could help with that... as could that "R" icon. That particular icon comes across as a little cartoonish to me. Plus, it's hard to even make out that it's an "R". This logo could just as easily read "TUONKEY office" as "TURNKEY office". Draft #7 is definitely moving in the generally right direction though.

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  • March 26, 2012 3:37 PM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    I gave draft #3 two starts i/o of the 3 stars I gave to draft #2 only because of the color. I don't really see a place for red in my website template that I linked to in my brief. As for the design of Drafts #2 and #3. I really appreciate the effort. These are both very original... and it would be easy enough to replace that word "office" with "legal", or "solutions", etc. I just think these are a little over-designed for my tastes. I'm looking for something a little more simple... more in the lines of Drafts #6 and #7.

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  • March 25, 2012 11:26 AM
    Justin20Crawford Justin20Crawford
      Project Holder
    I'm looking for something that makes this look a little more like a professionally designed logo. This, to me looks more like someone just typed out my company text in Times New Roman font in MS Word with a grey background and then changed the colors to alternate between Black and White. I could do that myself for free in about 60 seconds. I do like that the word "Turnkey" and the second word are in different colors... but I would like something a little more... like (1) playing with the R in Turnkey, like the example I linked to in my brief for Turnkey Furniture, or (2) adding a little graphic, like the consulting websites I linked to in my brief, or (3) perhaps having Turnkey and the second word be in different fonts... something like that. Also, I would prefer to just see the text as ONLY "Turnkey Office" for now. Yes, please keep in mind that I will be modifying the logo for other uses... but each logo will exist by itself on every webpage and business card, and in the example above it is hard to see just what the logo will look like - since it would only consist of one of the four texts above in any given image.

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