Turnkey Office - Company Logo
Turnkey Office
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Last Logged in : 4719days9hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
81 |
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Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon |
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Creative Brief
Turnkey Office - Company Logo
Turnkey Office
I need a simple text-based logo for my consulting firm that makes me look big, modern and professional. I provide consulting services to small professional businesses like law firms and accounting firms, and need to convey that my company is large, professional, on the cutting edge of technology and innovation, and trustworthy.
My logo needs to be easily interchangeable, because my company has many layers. "Turnkey Office" is the main company - and will need its own logo and have its own website. But when we deal with law firms, we will use the trade name "Turnkey Legal", accountants will be "Turnkey Accounting", and sometimes we will even provide specialized solutions to clients that will be branded as "Turnkey Solutions"... so my logo should incorporate that "Turnkey" branding as consistent throughout, while making it easy for me to replace the "Office" text with something else like "Legal", "Accounting", or "Solutions." (Changes that I can make myself down the road once you get me started with this main concept.)
I need something that will look good in place of the "fortune" logo in the upper-left corner of this template: http://livedemo00.template-help.com/joomla_35808/ I would like to implement the same basic color scheme used in this template.
Keep in mind, however, that this logo will also need to be used on business cards.
Right now, this logo for turnkey furnishings seems in the alley of what I'm looking for - a good inspiration to get you started. http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=d5m&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1920&bih=1128&tbm=isch&tbnid=WsRCUlPGqerjuM:&imgrefurl=http://www.designcoordinators.com/lightbox.php%3Fassign_id%3D59&docid=7y17_RZcM76wMM&imgurl=http://www.designcoordinators.com/cms/files/1320320463logo_11_turnkey.jpg&w=765&h=300&ei=EdBtT9-eNMbk0QHO7-3tBg&zoom=1
Logo Type
Industry Oriented
Green, Black, Grey and White. I generally want to stay consistent to the color palette in my website template at http://livedemo00.template-help.com/joomla_35808/
not sure
Remember that this needs to be incorporated in that website template linked to above, as well as on business cards. Remember that it needs to be easy to change so that "Turnkey Office" can become "Turnkey Legal" or "Turnkey Accounting" or "Turnkey Solutions" while keeping consistent branding throughout.
I'm open to incorporating some sort of simple graphic into the text logo like they did at Earnst & Young (http://www.ey.com/) and Mercer (http://www.mercer.com/home.htm), but I'm not sure that I need it either. You let me know what you think looks best and meets all the criteria noted above.
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