accounting firm logo designs

Accounting and CPA Business Logo Design Tips

Accounting certainly is a very lucrative way to make a living. However, it is a very demanding profession that requires an unparalleled level of dedication, focus and hard work. Among accountants, Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are the elite wing of skilled professionals, who are responsible for offering a broad spectrum of accounting and financial services.

The Design Aspect

The best CPA logos are a symbol of forward progression and focus which are among the key aspects of efficient analysis, accurate information and professionalism. Even though CPA logo designs are somewhat influenced differently from country to country, essentially there are three unique elements which govern professionally created logos: style, color and font.

It must be noted every CPA logo design should demonstrate a high level of professionalism. Avoid flashy colors or complicated designs. Keep it simple and elegant. After all, we want a design that translates well on all materials, including stationery and business cards.

Design Elements - The Look

Accounting and CPA graphic designs typically have images that symbolize values based on efficiency, accuracy and quality service. Hence, the design needs to be as business-oriented and formal as possible. In fact, many designs often don't have an image. Though, when you do desire an image, it should be one that's simple, yet elegant and sleek. Avoid a complicated design whenever possible, as it takes away from the professional and proper appearance of your CPA logo.

In some cases, initials that represent the company are a good choice instead of an image.

CPA Logo Design Samples

arrow icon CPA firm logo design contest
CPA logo design sample
Certified Public Accountant logo design contest

The Language of Fonts

No doubt among the most difficult tasks pertaining to CPA graphic art is deciding which font to use. In certain cases however, guidelines need to be followed when choosing a font, depending on the CPA profession. Ask your designer to look into area standards before handpicking which one to use.

Generally, CPA brand graphics make use of True Type fonts - Adobe, Microsoft and Myriad. What you want is a clear font that's easy on the eyes and recognizable.

People should not only be able to decipher the logo quickly but also remember it. You'll no doubt increase the number of return clients since the business will be easily identifiable. CPA art and design have little to no text at all. If there is text, it's usually kept at a minimum of five words or less. In this type of industry, there's little need for slogans or taglines. A good practice is to position your text in a curved or straight line, sitting somewhere around the base of the logo.

Choosing Color - An In-depth look

An unusual number of CPA firms prefer to have the color blue in their graphic designs. After all, it's no secret how blue projects feelings of calmness and relaxation, coupled with stability, and perhaps a certain sense of authority. It is also indicative of intelligence and creativity

However, different colors evoke different sentiments among people and picking the right color for your Accounting or CPA brand is also a matter of personal taste. Don't be shy to try them all. Here's a detailed look at how the language of colors play a role in designing logos.

Red is somewhat the opposite of blue. It's tied to feelings of action and excitement. Red is a very good choice if you want to stand out among the lot. One reason why it's so common in flags is because it's a symbol of pride and power.

Famous Accounting Logos

PricewaterhouseCoopers Accounting Logo
Deloitte accounting and Audit Logo
KPMG accounting logo
 famous accounting logos

If you're looking to promote feelings of warmth and fire in your design, go with orange. This appetite-enhancing color is also associated with tropical weather and the sun. Also considered a youthful color, orange is linked to stimulating mental activity.

The brightest color in the spectrum, yellow, is associated with sunshine and youthfulness as well. You may want to consider yellow as among your final options, as it can be hard on the eyes when used in type. Darker shades of yellow can create feelings of fear, so you might want to use it in smaller doses.

On one hand, black is thought to indicate darkness or evil. Though it's considered by some to be a depressing color, it is also an indicator of strength and riches. Black is ideal for graphic and brand design when you want to show contrast. It's also considered a cornerstone of professional attire - think a black suit with well-polished black shoes.

And on the opposite end, we have white. Considered to have "heavenly" attributes, white promotes feelings of innocence and purity. You may have noticed how non-profit organizations use white in their graphic designs as it's a positive color tied to feelings of "pure" and "good".

Purple - the color of royalty, power and magic. Purple is not only good for getting attention, but along with pink, is a good choice for products and services leveled at women.

Green is a favorite for money, nature, growth and safety. Much like blue, green gives way to feelings of calmness and relaxation. A color which is also a personal favorite of health-oriented companies, you might have come across green on quite a few websites.

Experiment generously with a logo maker to see which design best complements your financial and CPA business. But if you are stumped for more ideas, to tailor a brand identity for your business, refer to a professional designer who's years of experience in this field.

Accounting and CPA Business Logo Gallery