The Color Scheme for a Yoga Studio Logo
Yoga studios are very much in demand these days, especially among the female demographics. In order to get an effective logo for such a business, you need to represent health, vitality, and personal growth with your yoga studio logo design. One of the most important elements here is that of color. Choosing the right color could make or break your marketing strategy, so follow these tips to stay on the right path:
Away From Harshness
Harsh, bright, and bold colors don't belong in a yoga studio logo. These might be suitable for a medical company logo, giving the impression of health and energy. However, yoga studios usually work with a different kind of energy, even though they also strive towards health. So away with the bright colors and go for a minimalist, natural or pastel color palette for your yoga studio logo. You can intersperse this with a vivid streak of purple, blue, gold, or silver for a lasting effect.
In Circles
You can use different colors more effectively in a yoga studio logo by making them in the form of a circle. This could be a simple circle with a different colored image inside or a mandala design with light hues in every section.
Stay Simple
Even a mandala logo design shouldn't be too complicated when it comes to colors in a yoga studio logo. You don't want the customers to feel confused or overwhelmed when they're reminded of your business. Stick with a minimalistic choice at all costs, especially as this would also help to stabilize your printing costs for stationery, business cards, uniforms, merchandise, etc.
The services of a professional logo designer are essential when working on a yoga studio logo. Even consulting one could mean the difference between a lackluster effect and a memorable logo.