elegant security logos and badge logos for inspiration


What comes to mind when you think of a security guard?

"Power, strength, protection, determination."

What comes to your mind when you see this?

"None of the above!"

That was my Mom's response. I don't blame her because the logo that you just saw belongs to a famous security company based in Tennessee, U.S.A, and I cannot fathom why Walden and such security companies' logos don't really exude the service they provide. They actually risk their lives to protect us but their logo and symbol don't project that. The websites for these companies are bragging about how successful they are, and how efficient their service is, but let me tell you one thing, my Mom is the most protective person on earth when it comes to her children, and if (metaphorically speaking) one of these companies were to guard me... she would freak out!

Here's what Mom would say about famous security company logos in the U.S. Brace yourselves, Mom was in the advertising industry back in her days and she's pretty judgmental when it comes to logos!

Allied Barton

About the company:

Established in 1957, AlliedBarton Security Services is the largest American-owned security services company. The company is a trusted leader with proven expertise in a number of markets. It employs more than 55,000 employees in 120 regional and district offices located across the United States.

Mom says:

'I don't care if you're "a trusted leader with proven expertise in a number of markets", your logo looks like it's been designed by a ten year old. The logo of my hair salon looks better than this!'


About the company:

guardNOW provides a wide range of security guard services for businesses and consumers. The website claims that their professional, courteous, and experienced staff ensures that everyone's security needs are taken care of.

Mom says:

"Ahhh, I get it. , So you're going to beat the crap out of criminals by being professional and courteous. Nice! That's why your logo comprise of two words stringed together. Simplicity and charm are not things I would expect from a security company. Sorry guardNow it doesn't work for me!"

American Guard Services

About the company:

American Guard Services was established in 1997 and has now developed into a full-service security company, with locations In California, Florida, Hawaii, and Nevada.

Mom says:

"The bird on this logo looks like it's telling the onlookers to come give it a hug. I could create a scarier image with my walking stick!"


About the company:

According to its website, G4S is the world's leading international security solutions group, with more than 50,000 employees in the United States and Canada. It offers a unique combination of personnel, project management, risk management, and technology solutions.

Mom says:

"Well, well, well - a very impressive logo design for the world's leading international security solutions group. So creative, so ingenious, I must say. Have you ever heard of graphic designers? You know, those people who work with illustrations and create logos for you so that they don't look like crap?"

U.S. Security Associates

About the company:

Established in 1955 the website for U.S. Security Associates (USA) states that the company is one of America's largest security companies. It provides security services for thousands of clients, from Fortune 500 firms to healthcare organizations, schools and college, government agencies, and a variety of commercial and residential properties.

Mom says:

"Eagles, flags, shields, what is wrong with these leading companies! Does leading mean uncreative in the security industry? Is there no other symbol that you can use? And if you really want to use an eagle, can you at least make it look scary. You really want me to take out my walking stick and show you what scary is!?"


About the company:

Securitas claims to be the most locally-focused security company in the United States and has over 640 local branch managers and nearly 90,000 security officers who provide security solutions to thousands of businesses.

Mom says:

"Okay, I take back my previous verdict, eagles, flags, shields are so much better than circles. I'm sorry I called the last logo uncreative. This one's just won me over in terms of ridiculousness hideosity: , three red circles?"


About the company:

With over 3,200 employees throughout the United States, Covenant prides itself on providing training world-class safety and extremely determined guards. According to the website, the company was established in 1992 and is an industry leader in providing highly trained security officers to a variety of sectors.

Mom says:

"This just keeps getting worse. How is a globe with three orbits around it a good choice for a security company logo? Someone needs to tell me quick, I'm already 50 with a weak heart and need to solve this mystery before my time is over."

St. Moritz

About the company:

The website for the company states that St. Moritz has built a solid reputation in the security industry through the high level of customer service provided by security officers.

Mom says:

"Pepper steak with mashed potatoes. That's what I would think if I saw this logo on its own, without the words "security services" inscribed below it. Need I say more?"

Mom's overall perspective:

"Shame on all of you! You may be good with your services, but your security logos say 'I am a sissy company!'. A word of advice: don't be so stingy with your profits and spend some money on creating a better logo.

My perspective:

I understand the need for security service logos to adopt a serious identity, but I don't understand why they have to be so uncreative. All the companies mentioned above seem to be doing really well and I feel a good logo can really make their websites and uniforms look better. Why? Because a good security logo will make them look more trustable, especially people like me with overprotective parents!

Security Service Logo Gallery