T-Shirt and Hat Design

Simplii T-Shirt and Hat Design

Contest Holder bbjohn1 ?

Last Logged in : 395days19mins ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


Other veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: T-Shirt and Hat Design
Contest Launched: Sep 23, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 49 concepts
Winning Design by: Kaiza
Close Date: Oct 09, 2013

T-Shirt and Hat Design - Telecommunications

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

T-Shirt and Hat Design

Simplii T-Shirt and Hat Design

Looking for a simplistic yet edgy design on a hat and a t-shirt. T-Shirts to use as examples will be Black, Red and White. Use of the logo in your own creative way with and without the Icon is preferred.


Shirts will be given out as swag to our customers and to potential clients.

Stay within the company colors.. Black, white red and Silver.

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  • September 25, 2013 11:31 AM
    bbjohn1 bbjohn1
      Project Holder
    Hi Guys, With a few options coming in I would like to give a little more feed back to help. Communications made Simple- Tag line I think we should remove that from any MAJOR DESIGN AREAS. Limit that to maybe on a sleeve or bottom of the shirt if used at all. SIMPLII should be the main focus. The Simplii Icon- Also want this used more in a minimal role if at all. Again on a sleeve, or back of the shirt is fine. If you have any questions for me please let me know I will try and be as active as I can in dialog between us if I get sent a message. John

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  • September 24, 2013 1:55 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Designers, Please only use images provided by the project holder. If in case source of images has not been provided, you are requested to use images from “www.thinkstockphotos.com”. Images used from any other website or source will not be accepted. In case you are using images from “www.thinkstockphotos.com”, please make sure to keep a record of image ID numbers as contest winners will be required to provide those ID's. Furthermore, designers are requested only to use system fonts on all web design projects, files with non-system fonts will not be accepted. DESIGNERS ARE STRICTLY ADVISED TO ABIDE TO THESE RULES. STRICT ACTION WOULD BE TAKEN IN CASE OF ANY VIOLATION. Thanks! MB/LDG/LS Team

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  • September 24, 2013 1:24 PM
    bbjohn1 bbjohn1
      Project Holder
    The communications made simple part is throwing me off as to if it want to use that part. Instead can you use either of the following. Simplii the best VoIP and web made simple VoIP simplified VoIP and web simplified Or just a cool design without any tag line

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