computer parts hardware and computer company logo design samples

Computer Parts and Service Company Logo Design Mistakes

The IT and computer parts or maintenance industry has become especially competitive in today's modern times. If you are looking for new ideas to beat your competitors at their game, one factor that you may not be considering is your company's logo design. Whether big or small, your business needs an identity because without it, your customers won't know you, they won't be able to recognize or remember your company. Unfortunately, even the organizations which are aware of the importance of these brand logo identities end up leaving it all to the 'expert' designer and regret after budget is spent and nothing can be done.

Most of the time, companies leave their identity design up to the designer. This can be a crucial mistake. As a company, you should know what you are looking for and the type of mistakes that should be avoided in a design. When you hire an emerging designer who is trying to hone their skills, these mistakes are very common and can leave your logo ineffective. Here are six common logo design mistakes you should always look out for irrespective of who your designer is.

1 # Being Too Literal

One of the biggest mistakes that is often made when creating a brand identity is getting too literal with the elements. Most of the time, if you create such designs, you come across the audience as a company that didn't have time, budget or consideration to get a proper logo made from a professional. When you have to go literal though, there are a few tricks and tips which will help you in balancing everything. For instance, you could add a quirky tagline that acts as the "something extra" in your design needed to generate participation. On the other hand, adding a clipart, is not recommended as it is considered cliche that is mostly used by inexperienced designers and companies.

2 # Going For The Complex Designs

Making things too complicated can be another major pitfall for your computer parts and service company logo. Though explaining the nature of your service through a small design can be a challenge, using visuals or styles that are too complicated is far more risky. Using too many fonts, colors or elements in your design can make it too difficult to comprehend for your audience, let alone remember and recall at a later time. While it is good to be creative, going for the overkill is never going to work well for your brand. Also, using visuals that are too technical for your audience to decipher can make it difficult for people to connect with your identity design.

computer service company logo graphic
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computer business logo graphic

3 # Copying Your Competitors

Though taking a look at what the industry norms are when creating a design is suggested, copying or following in the footsteps of your successful competitors is not a wise move. It is often difficult for the designers to be creative with computer parts and service company logos but even then, creating something that is too close to a competitor's identity is not going to create a positive impact. There is a fine line between taking inspiration from some logo designs and copying it entirely. So while the former is appreciated, the latter is not a practice your audience is going to take well. It wouldn't only make your logo a bad one but would also affect your company's authenticity and integrity.

4 # Using Inappropriate Typefaces

Aesthetic appeal matters a lot in a brand design and this makes matching of typefaces, font styles and visuals extremely important. Be creative but show some restraint when selecting the font style for your design solution. Two different font styles should be the limit when you are implementing them on one design but it is far more appreciated if you can stick to one right font style. However, if you are going for multiple font styles, select those that have a barely recognizable difference between them so that the readability of your design is not affected. The font style you select should also match the overall theme of your design and balance out the other elements in the design.

5 # Using Designing Fads

Remember that your logo is the identity of your computer parts and service company, so it will be there for years to come. Therefore, creating a design based on some short-lived fads or trends can be a bad idea. Even if it seems like the current trend in design has a lot of scope, things can change tomorrow and then you will be left with an outdated design. A logo should be timeless instead of being trendy. While paying attention to the current trends is a good practice, you should only include those elements in your design that are expected to last longer than a few years.

6 # Using Pixels

Ask your designer how they are going to create the design. Ideally, the design should be created using vector graphics and not raster. This is suggested because it takes away the choice of creating a logo on basic editing suites like Photoshop. The use of resolution-dependent raster graphics is an extremely bad practice as well that is going to give you a completely inflexible design. This is a practice that is not acceptable at all so make sure you make it clear with your designers before you start working together. While most of the experienced designers are unlikely to make these mistakes, you have to be careful if you are working with someone new in the industry. All these mistakes can be easily addressed if you are careful and the graphics professional you are working with is cooperative. Being aware of what should and should not be included in a design can help you get a much better logo for your computer parts and service company.

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