Scheduling Software Logo Facelift


Contest Holder appointmentplus ?

Last Logged in : 4704days6hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Scheduling Software Logo Facelift
Industry: Software Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 22, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 105 concepts
Winning Design by: refresh
Close Date: Mar 01, 2011

Scheduling Software Logo Facelift - Software

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Scheduling Software Logo Facelift


Online Scheduling Software


We provide online scheduling to 100's of different type of companies. We work with both small businesses and organizations like doctors, salons, photographers and colleges/universities as well as larger organizations like Pepsi, Georgia Pacific and YMCA. The software is easy to use for both internal applications and to allow self scheduling.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Web 2.0
Web 2.0


We are open to color schemes, but prefer one of the colors to be a shade of blue. The other color(s) should pop a little to highlight a feature of the design.

not sure

We don’t just want a standard image, such as a clock, next to the product name (Appointment-Plus). It has to be more artistic or abstract.

The phrase "Online Scheduling Software" can be used in the logo under the letters or icon to describe better what it is.

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  • March 08, 2011 11:01 AM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Thanks everyone for your work on this logo project. I will be picking the winner shortly. Top three are: #86 #54 #14

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  • March 01, 2011 9:05 PM
    sportserh sportserh
    I would recommend extending this project so we can work on this new idea. Just a suggestion! Thanks, sportserh

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  • March 01, 2011 4:18 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Sergem #96 also nice job. Thank you for looking at what we sent.

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  • March 01, 2011 4:17 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Nice job Ela1z with the calendar in globe concept. Any more to consider before closing! Hurry! Thanks, Jeff

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  • March 01, 2011 3:22 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder

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  • March 01, 2011 2:07 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Ok...down to the final few hours. The last 10 or so are pretty creative. Focus the rest of the time on the newest document attached. The goal is to create a design within a globe similar to what is in the attached document. It should be somewhat abstract, the globe could look like a calendar, and maybe have a highlighted day of the week or slot. Font should stay the same and lower case. Thanks!

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  • February 25, 2011 1:20 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Also, #34 was nice to see. The use of a couple different colors was a good idea. The "X" icon was a nice creative touch. Not hitting the mark exactly but nice idea.

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  • February 25, 2011 1:18 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Ok now you all are humming...#'s 32 through 43 are good examples of creative ways to show the icon for scheduling. Nice work everyone...keep it up. #36 is a good subtle design of a calendar. Nice job. It looks a little like a notepad and not a calendar. maybe make is just a little more subtle and add some slight calendar design so it is a little clearer might be nice. Also, appointment is spelled with 2 p's not one! #38 is picking up steam inside on the "likers" of it. The icon/button is too big and not sure it has much resemblance for a scheduling application like the "easy" button is for Staples. Maybe try to make it resemble scheduling w/o a clock pic on it. Be more artistic or creative. Like where it is heading though. Mobius6: nice work on the simple design with just a few elements. Doesn't do it for us because there is not much depth to the design. Screwy word "depth" and sure you don't know exactly what I mean. Tough to explain but needs more depth to it. #43: If you would use the font I suggested and lower case with a little more subtle calendar/check/or even a small plus it might take it up a notch. Nice work. Thanks everyone...looking great. You are talented!

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  • February 24, 2011 10:54 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    You all are creating some unique ones to consider. #'s 29 and 30 went retro which was a gamble. Not anything near what the previous comments suggest but good try. #'s 32 and 33 used good fonts and colors. The icon in 32 is too "typical" of a scheduling system. Clocks don't really do it. #20 did a nice job trying to fit a less obvious calendar in...good one. Keep these type of concepts coming. Subtle. 2.0. Not typical or normal. ARTIsTiC is good! Thanks to all so far. Still a ways away but maybe getting closer.

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  • February 23, 2011 8:33 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    I eliminated a few because the designs were not close to what we are looking for. No Nike swoops for this one. More hints: - We like simple, clean designs. - Don't like too much overwhelming movement in the logo. - Not real big on the "+" symbols but you might be able to pull it off if it is subtle. - Open to non-scheduling type icons like #21 did...nice attempt. Not exactly what it should look like but open to ideas. - Our competitors all have clocks so clocks are going to be hard to accept as a final. - Still looking for someone to design the logo with some simple, "artistic" flare. You are getting closer...Thanks!

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  • February 23, 2011 5:19 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    #14 (Gizmo Design) is getting closer to the look and feel of what we are hoping to see. Now would like to see a bunch of variations to it with calendars, more subtle clocks, subtle calendars, more artistic clocks, etc. Nice work everyone on it so far. Thanks!

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  • February 23, 2011 1:10 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    #10 is heading in the right direction. Good font. Should be lower case though. The ringed calendar book is ok just a little too obvious. More subtle calendar image (or other image) might be good. See document attached to project.

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  • February 23, 2011 8:52 AM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Drafts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are too techy. We are looking for a more simple design which blends into the wording. SEE NEW UPLOADED FILE FOR AN EXAMPLE. #'s 6 and 7 not sure what to say but not in line with more simple/subtle design.

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  • February 22, 2011 4:47 PM
    appointmentplus appointmentplus
      Project Holder
    Website is:

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