Logo for Swope Insurance

Swope Insurance

Contest Holder sgrants ?

Last Logged in : 4771days14hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Swope Insurance
Industry: Consulting Logo
Contest Launched: Dec 04, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 155 concepts
Winning Design by: fixdesign
Close Date: Dec 11, 2011

Logo for Swope Insurance - Consulting

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for Swope Insurance

Swope Insurance


Insurance company. Swope is my last name and I have chosen to use it in the company name as my family has owned businesses in my hometown.

cotoinsurance.com Please take a look at this site. I like how she incorporated a shaded tree into her logo. It symbolizes protection. Peace and /or Protection is something I would like to incorporate into my logo because this is what insurance stands for. I would like to see what a tree would look like in my logo.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



I'm undecided. I'll have a better direction after I see a few mock-up examples. Most importantly, I want the balance and contrast to be professional and scaled appropriately.

not sure

I like the color scheme that APPLE uses. If the tree (or another object that you can think of) was green maybe that would add a pop of color against the "APPLE" color scheme.

I'm not creative, so I don't know how this would turn out. I may be way off base! I look forward to the ideas. I'll need help on other projects after this. Thank You.

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  • December 10, 2011 8:32 PM
    sgrants sgrants
      Project Holder
    Please no more tree designs. I have to close this project within 24 hours. Lots of really good ideas! If you would like to submit a design please do so with a completely different look.

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  • December 06, 2011 6:19 PM
    sgrants sgrants
      Project Holder
    Designers: Please create a logo based on the colors, font, design, symbol of your choosing. I would like to see completly different looks. Anything you think looks professional, please submit.

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  • December 06, 2011 8:51 AM
    sgrants sgrants
      Project Holder
    For the TREE DESIGN---I do want to continue pursing this option as well. #7 I don't really like how the tree trunk curves around #3 I like the idea of the trunk supporting the O. However, don't really like the rings.

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  • December 06, 2011 8:46 AM
    sgrants sgrants
      Project Holder
    Some really good designs coming in! I would like to see some other designs solely based on your discretion. Font, colors, symbols, etc. of your choosing. Tree does not have to be included.

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  • December 05, 2011 11:25 AM
    sgrants sgrants
      Project Holder
    Thank you for the 1st draft. I like your interpretation from my brief. I look forward to seeing more creative ideas around this theme. Also, I would like to see some other designs solely based on your discretion. Font, colors, symbols, etc. of your choosing.

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