logo for new cake pop business

cake pops boston

Contest Holder cakepopsboston ?

Last Logged in : 4968days23hrs ago

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Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: logo for new cake pop business
Industry: Food Logo
Contest Launched: Apr 06, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 146 concepts
Winning Design by: DwiMoon
Close Date: Apr 13, 2011

logo for new cake pop business - Food

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

logo for new cake pop business

cake pops boston

forget the fork


Hello Designers!!!!
We are 3 suburban mums hoping to make it big in the Cake Pop World! We are starting a new custom confections/cake pop business. I have been running a similar type business for the past 6 months and it has been quite successful. Now we want to expand and evolve. In addition to our local cleints for which we generally do orders for birthdays, christenings/communions, holiday parties, we have picked up a couple of corporate clients. While we intend to remain true to our local, family-oriented clientele, we would also like to expand our corporate client base and want to break into the bridal arena. So, we need a logo suitable for all types of our existing and target clients.
Below are some visions we have for the logo, but please be advised that we are also open to new ideas. I am also putting in some links to some sites that have logos similar to what we are looking for.

We are looking for a clean, sophisticated yet fun logo. Our target colors are chocolate brown, olive green/chartreuse and white. We would entertain logos in these 3 colors or in 2 of the aforementioned. Our vision is to have the text in chocolate brown with all lowercase letters in a nice, clean font like Avane Garde BK BT, although we would consider others. We would like cake pops as 2 words on the top line and boston centered underneath. Above the words cake pops, we need 3 individual circles (representing cake pops)--either in outline or in each of the solid colors. One circle should have a squiggle design in it, the other circle should look as though it has jimmies in it and the last should have uneven/abstract stripes in it. We would also consider a design without the 3 circles on top but rather each of the O's in the words "pops" and "boston". In this design, lollipop sticks would protrude from each of the circles at an angle, so as to emulate a cake pop nearly laying on its side (perhaps 10 degrees up from flat). Of course, if you have other interesting and exciting ideas, we are totally up for it.

-this site gives an idea of the pops design we are looking for

-again the pops

this i an example of another cake pops site

-this is my business that we are evolving into boston cake pops. Just to give you an idea of what it is that we do.


Logo Type
Logo Type


chocolate brown chartreuse/olive green white We will consider 2 and 3 color designs

not sure

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  • April 09, 2011 11:40 PM
    CherryPopDesign CherryPopDesign
    feedback or star rating??:)

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