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Logo for Italian Ice frozen dessert food truck vendor

Mama Lucia's Italian Ice

Contest Holder Mama LuciasItalianIce ?

Last Logged in : 8days20hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Italian Ice frozen desse ...
Industry: Food Logo
Contest Launched: Sep 06, 2024
Selected: 1 winning design from 54 concepts
Winning Design by: shreeganesh
Close Date: Sep 08, 2024

Logo for Italian Ice frozen dessert food truck vendor - Food

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for Italian Ice frozen dessert food truck vendor

Mama Lucia's Italian Ice

Old Fashion


Mama Lucia's Italian Ice will be sold out of Food Vending Concession Trailers and Food Trucks at large outdoor Events, Fairs, Festivals, Etc.
The name and logo are in honor of my Italian Great Grandmother (who also sold Italian Ice in the 1930-1968) Logo must have her picture (I will Provide the ONLY 2 photos I have from Newspaper) Design Must be tasteful and NOT like a cartoon or NOT caricature of her.
I am open to: Fun & Whimsical, Casual/Rustic, Old/Fashion and Old World Italian


Logo Type
Logo Type





--MUST HAVE the Colors: Green, White and Red (as in an Italian Flag)
--MUST HAVE the image of my Great Grandmother's Photo (BECAUSE SHE IS Mama Lucia) I will provide photo
--MUST NOT look like a cheap cartoon or caricature like
(I want my Great Grandmother's Image to remain a photograph or pencil drawing to look like a realistic photograph--But I AM OPEN TO SEEING A BLACK/WHITE AIRBRUSHED version as well.
--Would LOVE TO SEE her image in a unique Medallion
--MUST HAVE: Italian Ice images
--Would like to see options with Italian Flag/s and or Italian Gondola

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  • September 06, 2024 5:41 PM
    Mama LuciasItalianIce Mama LuciasItalianIce
      Project Holder
    The Images that I downloaded are the ONLY pictures I have of My Great Grandmother, Mama Lucia (all other pictures were lost in a fire) So I hope you can be creative and help me honor her! Thank you for participating! I look forward to seeing your creations!

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  • September 06, 2024 5:33 PM
    Mama LuciasItalianIce Mama LuciasItalianIce
      Project Holder
    MUST HAVE THE Words: Mama Lucia's Italian Ice AND INCLUDE THE WORDS: Old Fashion

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  • September 06, 2024 5:29 PM
    Mama LuciasItalianIce Mama LuciasItalianIce
      Project Holder
    WOULD LOVE TO SEE her image in a unique madallion WOULD LIKE TO SEE Italian Ice images Would LIKE TO SEE OPTIONS with Italian Flag/s WOULD LIKE TO SEE Italian Gondola incorporated

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  • September 06, 2024 5:29 PM
    Mama LuciasItalianIce Mama LuciasItalianIce
      Project Holder
    MUST HAVE: Green, White, Red (Like Italian Flag) Must Have the Image of my Great Grandmother's Photo (She is Mama Lucia) MUST NOT look like a cheap cartoon or a caricature Would like Image to remain a photograph or pencil drawing to look realistic I AM OPEN TO seeing a Black & White Airbrush version of her.

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  • September 06, 2024 5:20 PM
    Mama LuciasItalianIce Mama LuciasItalianIce
      Project Holder
    Mama Lucia's Italian Ice will be sold out of Food Vending Concession Trailers and Food Trucks at large outdoor Events, Fairs, Festivals. Name and Logo are in honor of my Italian Great Grandmother who sold Italian Ice from 1930's - 1968. I would like design to be tasteful and NOT Like a cartoon and NOT caricature like

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