Logo for a small divorce law firm

Kest Family Law, P.A.

Contest Holder kkest ?

Last Logged in : 3584days3hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a small divorce law firm
Industry: Law Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 24, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 465 concepts
Winning Design by: Aaask
Close Date: Apr 03, 2015

Logo for a small divorce law firm - Law

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for a small divorce law firm

Kest Family Law, P.A.


The company is a small law firm practicing strictly family law. Family law involves divorces, paternity, custody disputes, alimony, child support, and property distribution. The logo should convey confidence, compassion, expertise, and value. It should be conservative but fun, and simple but interesting. It should be more masculine than feminine, but this is only because the founding attorney is male, not because of the clients, who are equally split between males and females. Clients are invariably going through a difficult time, which is why an overly fun logo would not be appropriate but keeping things light is also important.
More information on the lead attorney can be found at linkedin.com/in/kristopherkest/en or Twitter @attorneykest.


Logo Type
Logo Type

Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


I am a graduate of Tulane University in New Orleans and I like the Tulane colors (green, white, blue). Those colors are at this webiste: tulane.edu/news/style/colorpalette.cfm That link also has several other color options that fit with those primary colors. I am not opposed to a completely different color scheme, but I am admittedly biased in favor of the Tulane colors. But, surprise me with something cool and I'm willing to consider it! As far as the number of colors, I think probably 2 would be best, but I'm willing to consider more if the design is impressive enough and the extra colors are that important.

not sure

Any abstract element should be minimal, or at least should not be the primary focus of the logo. The name is more important. As between the words, "Kest" is the most important, "Family" is second most.

While I am not completely opposed to using the firm's initials (KFL), that is not necessarily what I am going for. The firm is not usually referred to by its initials. Also, and importantly, if the initials are used they must very clearly distinguish this firm from another firm in town that goes by the initials "KEL", i.e. there must be no risk of confusion between the two.

Thank you for your efforts!

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  • March 27, 2015 4:47 PM
    muhammadrashid muhammadrashid
    hi Sir please check my new draft #223 #224 .............??

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  • March 26, 2015 8:24 AM
    kkest kkest
      Project Holder
    My first name also starts with K (Kristopher) so focus on the "K" is appropriate.

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  • March 25, 2015 7:51 AM
    kkest kkest
      Project Holder
    I should modify a comment in my design brief. The word "Kest" is most important. All others are secondary, i.e. "Family" is not more important than Law or P.A.

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