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Logo Design for an Information Security Blog

Turn off your Firewall

Contest Holder mjmelone ?

Last Logged in : 3805days8hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo Design for an Information Se ...
Industry: Security Logo
Contest Launched: Feb 25, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 82 concepts
Winning Design by: Maminga
Close Date: Mar 07, 2014

Logo Design for an Information Security Blog - Security

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo Design for an Information Security Blog

Turn off your Firewall

A modern approach to information security


The term "turn off your firewall" is a play on the fact that too many information security professionals depend solely on edge protection to secure their information systems. In addition, this logo may become part or all of a cover for an upcoming book.



Web 2.0
Web 2.0

High Tech

Logo should look good on a white background. No pastels.

not sure

One idea I was thinking of included a wall that was on fire being put out by water, however I am very open to the creativity of the designer.

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  • March 07, 2014 1:41 PM
    hatter hatter
    interesting similarities

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  • March 05, 2014 4:19 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    All, Time is running short again. For those trying the BitLatch logo idea, can someone try creating a latch out of a 1 and a 0 and placing it underneath the name BitLatch? Think of the "1" on its side with the bottom to the left of the B, then the zero being on its side with the top of the 1 hooked into it. I tried to make it in ASCII art, but the spaces were removed. I've added a pic of the type of latch that I'm talking about

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  • March 03, 2014 5:06 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    Great work again all. I'm starting to see some designs that are fitting the mold. The Trojan Horse breaking through a brick wall looks great. I also like the initial logo for the BitLatch concept. Because I added the BitLatch concept late in the game I am going to add three more days on the contest and guarantee the prize. I'm starting to see that the initial idea I had (creating a logo for a long name like Turn off your Firewall) might be a bit difficult, whereas using it as a tag line to a shorter name like BitLatch might be more appropriate.

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  • March 02, 2014 7:19 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    All great submissions. It seems like its a bit difficult to come up with a fitting logo for the name "Turn Off Your Firewall". Perhaps we could try the other domain I own, This might be easier to fit into a logo. Either will work, only a short while left in the competition.

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  • February 28, 2014 5:26 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    A couple of additional ideas \ concepts. The premise that I specialize in is similar to a Trojan horse; a legitimate internal user grants an external attacker access unknowingly. Perhaps a Trojan horse passing through a drawbridge to a palace or something like that? I understand this is a difficult concept and appreciate all the submissions thus far..

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  • February 28, 2014 5:20 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    Great work. Note that I'm not terribly concerned that the letters T or F appear in the logo.

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  • February 28, 2014 5:20 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    Great work. Note that I'm not terribly concerned that the letters T or F appear in the logo.

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  • February 26, 2014 8:39 AM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    OK, nice work so far. Let me provide some ideas on what I am looking for. Basically, something that demonstrates an organization thinking that they have great security because they've invested a lot of money in tools, but completely missed an important hole. Extra points to someone who comes up with a design that elegantly displays someone from inside the company unknowingly giving someone access to the inside of the company.

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  • February 25, 2014 7:30 PM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    I like the first round of designs, though I am looking for something more along the lines of a wall being breached, a firewall being bypassed, or something that demonstrates circumventing of security.

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  • February 25, 2014 8:19 AM
    mjmelone mjmelone
      Project Holder
    Thank you for viewing my design contest! I am excited to see everyone's design and encourage you to only take my design brief as a recommendation. I am not an artist, but I respect creativity and hope that one of your ideas far surpasses my initial thoughts. Be creative, take me out of my element, and create the design that I can use as my personal brand for years to come. Thank you to everyone who provides a submission.

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