Happy Life

Happy Life

Contest Holder Interexcel ?

Last Logged in : 4795days13hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Happy Life
Industry: Marketing Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 03, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 64 concepts
Winning Design by: meikayutiu
Close Date: Aug 11, 2011

Happy Life - Marketing

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Happy Life

Happy Life



Happy Life is a freshly formed South African network marketing business, founded by a group of successful network marketers with over 100 years collective experience and who all had a common goal which is to craft a brand-new innovative, network marketing generation, addressing common objections current network marketers experience and creating and maintaining an efficient environment for willing people with an entrepreneurial spirit to create wealth for themselves.

• To help people build a sustainable income.
• To create a profitable company with financial products.
• To design and maintain an organization who compensates individuals for referring our products.
• To ensure a more efficient network marketing machine which does away with the inefficient traditional network marketing systems.

Happy Life’s vision is to touch and improve willing people with an entrepreneurial spirit’s current financial status thereby enabling a happier way of living.

Happy Life’s mission is:
• to grow a simple, profitable network marketing company,
• to create an environment for networkers with a culture of wealth and happiness,
• where people respect and value others,
• whilst synergizing (function together to produce a result not independently obtainable)

Designed by network marketers for network markers, Happy Life’s strategy is to overturn the traditional network marketing referral rewards by paying our networkers more for their efforts and thereby setting a new standard in the industry.

• No joining, registration or administration fee
• Affordable, must have financial products for our niche market
• Monthly remuneration is based on a debit order system.
• Low risk, high profit
• Generous and unique compensation plan
• Bi-monthly payout
• Convenient, top of the range infrastructure
• Making use of the latest technology
• Experienced network marketers as team leaders


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Predominantly lime green, however we are not sold out to that colour. Any colours which would signify “happiness”. Red might also work. The directors are in favour of a rainbow, so if you can design some of the choices with a rainbow, that would be great.


• We speak to the emotions of the targeted person.
• We like the Coke happiness advertising campaign,
• Please could you design a couple of clean and simple logos and a couple of semi-busy logos.

Our target market is predominantly the following people:
• Someone who can afford his monthly remuneration, however has trouble making ends meet.
• Someone who receives an average salary between R10 000 – R30 000 per month.
• Someone who understands what a debit order means or how to use a debit card. So he needs to have a bank account.
• Someone with an entrepreneurial spirit, but not necessarily own their own small business.
• Someone between the ages of 35-55. This falls mostly into the Generation X category and partly into the Baby Boomers generation.
• Someone with either people skills or internet knowledge or both.
• Someone who’s looking for a residual income.

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  • August 10, 2011 12:57 PM
    hannath hannath
    Please add ratings. Regards, Hannath

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  • August 08, 2011 7:08 AM
    Interexcel Interexcel
      Project Holder
    the client likes the following look and feel of logos if you guys can follow the link and see what you can do. thank you http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_U3F0DkgTIxc/TOSw9eedN4I/AAAAAAAACYY/PDbDqiDroOk/s1600/flower-power3.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/8428747@N05/3428263067/

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  • August 08, 2011 4:29 AM
    Interexcel Interexcel
      Project Holder
    Feedback: Thanks for this! I like draft 4 the most, then 5 and then 4. If we could go more 2d, that would be great. Perhaps keep the HAPPY LIFE one colour or shaded with another colour, but not variant colours on the name. You can rather play with colours on a background like draft 6 or the slogan, or the icon, but not the name. The name could be a rugged font (ex http://www.dafont.com/james-fajardo.font) without an image logo, or background or a background OR a plain font used in draft 4. Also, you could play with the flower idea and/or smiley face. Though the smiley face shouldn't be too lively. I like the smiley on draft 4 more than the other smiley faces. Idea logo's we like are Virgin, Coke and Mango's logo reflecting a new generation look, slightly slang look. Also, we like the Disney feel - 2d with a black and white alignment around the logo (ex: http://www.disney.co.za/3_Books_and_magazines/promo_a_150x150/Book%20Club%20Logo.jpg, On draft 6, the slogan could align with the lineage of the background. Draft 5's icons are making the logo too busy, though I like to bright colours of the icon. The icon could be simpler. Blue, red and green and yellow are a good combination for an icon. I hope this helps!

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  • August 08, 2011 4:26 AM
    Interexcel Interexcel
      Project Holder
    play arround with a 3D affect. happy life.. make it one colour and the slogan different colours.. we like number four just not to convinced about the flower

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