All marketing and promotion businesses have the responsibility of advertising the products and services of their clients. However, if you can’t promote your own brand through a brand identity that is visible, you are really not going to be attracting a lot of professional customers. If you want your business to pop into people’s minds every time they think of advertising or marketing, you need to ensure that you have a well-rounded logo that does justice to the industry as well as the mindset of the people who you serve.
When you talk about an impactful logo for your marketing and promotion company, it is important that you pick out a symbol which is according to your philosophy, mission and the personality of your business. If you browse through some of the logos in this industry, you will see logos of marketing firms with loudspeakers, signal waves and speech bubbles. On the other hand, media companies often use abstract images or shapes of varying kinds to look professional and capture the attention of all type of clients.
Public relation and event company logos often use no more than two to three colors in their logo. When you are choosing the colors, be sure to pick out ones according to the theme of your company. Don’t rely on what your competitors are using because though lighter shades may better translate into their mission statement, it won’t work with yours. Likewise, even though brighter shades are not encouraged in the corporate world, you can use them if you organize fund raisers or parties for kids.
Along with the color or shades and symbol, you can also use different fonts to display the name and tagline of your logo. If you are a modern company, you may want to use sans serif as these are modern fonts that will make your logo design look trendy and up to date.
However, before you choose any such fonts, be sure to consult expert designers because they will have better ideas about what your logo needs, and what will look best on your brand identity. To have an idea what entails in a marketing and promotion company logo design , browse through some designed at ZillionDesigns by our designers for our clients.