Business Logo - Mandri Group

Mandri Group

Contest Holder dbrowning ?

Last Logged in : 4872days15hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Business Logo - Mandri Group
Industry: Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 05, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 170 concepts
Winning Design by: BIMPOP
Close Date: Nov 17, 2011

Business Logo - Mandri Group -

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Business Logo - Mandri Group

Mandri Group


The Mandri Group offers both financial and legal advice to individuals and institutions throughout Europe and Asia. We are looking for a brand new fresh logo. We would like it to be quite simple, crisp, proffesional and sleek. It will be used on Paperwork, websites, usb's etc.

Logo Type
Logo Type

Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Industry Oriented
High Tech

We are very open to ideas, off the top of our heads we would say perhaps a pinch of orange.. (mandri reminds us of orange!) but only a slice mind. We also like Silver. Fresh is the word I would use for colour, but again, we are open to ideas.

not sure

We think we have been as specific as we need to be, as we really are looking for inspiration from you, the designer.



  • November 13, 2011 6:46 AM
    dbrowning dbrowning
      Project Holder
    Hi Guy's, Thank you so much for all your efforts. :) We are getting an extension for the competition to run for 3 more day's. We are getting there, but still want to see a little more. Our Top 4. We very much like the following #40 #52 #38 #66 We think at this stage we will be using one of the above. However here is some feedback of a few changes we would like to see. #40 - For me, yours is my favorite :) The Marketing department however are not too keen on the Logo by the text. What we do like about it : I LOVE the fading green, the way it looks 3d'sh and the text. It looks crisp and fresh. Is there anyway you could try exactly the same thing (colours the same) but with a different picture (rather than the floating M) We do like the 3d'ness of the m picture but would like to see something a little different there. #52 We love yours too, in fact we don't want you to change anything, apart from the colour, we would like to see it in maybe a green, rather than the orange, a bit like the fresh green in #40. #38 Yours is also a favorite amongst the office. We like everything about it. Especially the dark grey at the bottom (we picture having the logo at the top of the site and the grey running along the bottom. Only thing we are unsure of is the orange, can you maybe try it in a fresh fading green, again, exactly like it is now apart from the orange in a fading fading green (see above comments). #66 I still like this, I think I like that the Mandri is in grey but the dot is in the other colour :) We are just still unsure about the picture next to the text, I know you have given us a few different ones but unfortunately still not one we like, Also would you mind swapping the blue for green too :0) It may look different then, but again, we are also unsure about the picture. Thanks for your patience guy's. And please keep going. We are so very close! Thanks again. MG.

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  • November 11, 2011 9:03 AM
    crativlogo crativlogo
    Thank you very much for the feedback. I have left you a private message. Please check the top right corner of the screen. Looking forward to hear from you.

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  • November 11, 2011 6:13 AM
    dbrowning dbrowning
      Project Holder
    Hi Guy's, Great to see more and more designers getting involved. Bit of feedback. The 7 most recent ones (#29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35) I'm afraid the logo's are little too much. We need simplicity and freshness. But we like the use of the different colours. But they are all a bit fusy for us I'm afraid. #14 - we love the simplicity but you have spelt our name wrong! It's Mandri Group :) #27 - We like the text, but not so keen on the picture next to it. #24 - Again we like the simplicity but not the picture. We love the way #18 has used the colours, with the dot of the i in mandri in the same colour as group. Not so sure of the picture logo above though. Please keep going guy's we are nearly there. The logo's are getting better and better but we still can't see the one that will stamp who we are. Please keep adding more entries. And don't think you have to stick to blue and grey.. Thanks. MG.

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  • November 07, 2011 6:09 AM
    dbrowning dbrowning
      Project Holder
    Hi Guy's, Thank you for the entries so far. Nothing we love just yet, but please keep going. Bit of feedback: Nightqueen: We don't like the logo I'm afraid, we feel its not very financial. We would prefer it to be a lot more simple. Also, there is too much orange. Remember we said just a pinch of orange. I'm afraid to say the Text we also feel is wrong. We need something Clean, fresh and simple. :0) Thank you for your efforts though. InventiveStylus: We do like that yours is a lot cleaner, crisp and fresh. However, we are not keen on the logo above the text, and similar to Nightqueen, a little bit too much orange. For future designers: We are not fond of orange and black together. Not crisp and fresh enough. We want, clean, simple and fresh looking.

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