Business logo


Contest Holder cspoerl ?

Last Logged in : 4927days8hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Business logo
Industry: Consulting Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 25, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 189 concepts
Winning Design by: samsaimun
Close Date: Sep 07, 2011

Business logo - Consulting

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Business logo


Knowledge, not just numbers.


We provide business, accounting and tax advice to small to medium sized health care practices. What separates us from other firms is that we visit our clients monthly. That gives us insight that others don't have not only into our clients' needs, but also into what's happening in their office and in the industry as a whole.


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Industry Oriented

Definitely blue. In fact, the specific blue is RGB 445566 on the color scheme designer. Possibly also black &/or silver.

not sure

Healthcare is in a very uncertain time. Therefore, the logo should suggest that if clients partner with us, they can be successful on their own. Because, they can!

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  • September 01, 2011 7:21 AM
    samsaimun samsaimun
    these is my submit #19

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  • August 31, 2011 12:45 PM
    cspoerl cspoerl
      Project Holder
    Really like #50, except don't think it should have the mirror image black below. Also, can it be done differently so the check mark and tag line show up more clearly, yet are still distinctly different from the PBM? Finally, can all that be done with and without the tagline for comparison? Perhaps there would be a line in place of the tagline, if you think that makes it more visually appealing. Also like #61. Can that be done with different color and letter type options for comparison? Ditto #62. #51 reminds us of a road going somewhere, which is good. Any other ways of doing that? Finally, #47 looks good too. Any more options with that? Thanks for all your hard work. You are generating some great work!

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  • August 30, 2011 2:54 PM
    cspoerl cspoerl
      Project Holder
    We like having a symbol to the left of PBM. #40 was very interesting to us, except the scales are associated with law firms, and we are not one of those. Also, the tag line should not be included. Not sure what would be in place of the scales. We are a regional firm, so symbols of the world, or that denote the world don't work. One of us really likes #31, but wonders if it wouldn't be better if the lettering was like #29 in terms of color and thickness, and the oval border was darker, perhaps even black. Thanks for your continued efforts!

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  • August 30, 2011 11:37 AM
    cspoerl cspoerl
      Project Holder
    We like some of the symbols used, but still haven't found one quite on point. The abstract ones (EG: 20, 23, 27, 30, 31) are all interesting and visually appealing, but to us don't quite evoke images of who we are or what we do. Crosses shouldn't be used, as we aren't a health care company; we just specialize in the industry. Besides, they may be confused for the Christian symbol. We'd like the symbolism to convey knowledge, trust, value, care, & professionalism that clients look for from their trusted advisors. We don't think we've quite seen it yet. #33 & 19 have elements of that with the image of a graph line going up symbolizing increasing profit, or the check mark symbolizing done, but they don't quite have the visual appeal. Let us know if you think the abstract symbols actually do represent what we're trying to convey, & of course why. We may not be seeing stuff others are. And, please keep the designs coming! You all obviously have talent!

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  • August 29, 2011 9:40 AM
    cspoerl cspoerl
      Project Holder
    We prefer the capital letters. Our signage already uses the Gill Sans font, so using that or something close would tie in to that. We like abstract symbols such as the one used in #17. Think the cross in the P in #17 is a bit much. Would prefer to use the blues as in #10. The check mark in #19 is interesting, but don't want to use red.

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