Business Card, Stationary, Brochure Template, Flyer Template

Templates need to be provided in Microsoft Publisher format as well as industry standards

Contest Holder pixelscan ?

Last Logged in : 4942days2hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Business Cards and Stationery veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Business Card, Stationary, Brochu ...
Industry: Entertainment Logo
Contest Launched: May 20, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 37 concepts
Winning Design by: Achiver
Close Date: May 30, 2011

Business Card, Stationary, Brochure Template, Flyer Template - Entertainment

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Business Card, Stationary, Brochure Template, Flyer Template

Templates need to be provided in Microsoft Publisher format as well as industry standards

I need double sided standard sized Business Card [3.5" x 2"]

Use specific fonts

Font choice up to designer





Richard Clayton

Managing Director

Unit Studley A Kington Park Malmesbury Road Kington St Michael Wiltshire SN15 5PZ, UK

+44 (0)1249 554123

+44 (0)794 1657201

+44 (0)1249 554623

The Business cards designs need to be to the UK standard size 90cm by 55cm not the US standard shown in the brief. The business cards and Stationary need to have our company logo. The Brochure and Flyer template need to work with both our company logo and our product logo. For the Brochure and Flyer templates we are looking for a design that works along with our Stationary, we only require a template design something like these and but obviously unique to us and matching the other designs.


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  • May 28, 2011 4:54 PM
    XtremeCreative2 XtremeCreative2
    Please FeedBack

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  • May 25, 2011 3:59 AM
    pixelscan pixelscan
      Project Holder
    I have uploaded 2 image samples for the front of the Flyer and Brochure templates. These are typical of the images we will be using. Pixelscan designs lighting systems for the entertainment industry so most of our product images will be dark. Please can designers make sure their designs will work with dark images like this. Thanks

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  • May 23, 2011 1:59 PM
    pixelscan pixelscan
      Project Holder
    Draft #8 and #9 please could you make the Red end of the swish at the bottom a brighter Red. For the business cards please can you move the text up a bit towards the logo so there is more of a gap between the bar at the bottom and the text. The pixelscan logo does not work on a dark background so the envelope with the dark background on the flap is not required. The envelope with the coloured bar at the bottom of the flap works well. Please can you change the word 'cell' for the work 'mob' or 'mobile' in the UK we call it a mobile phone not a cell phone. Just to confirm the business cards need to be the UK standard 85mm x x55mm The Flyer needs to be single sided portrait A4 (210mm x 297mm). The Brochure needs to be double sided landscape A3 (297mm x 420mm) so that when folded it makes a A4 portrait size. (as per the sample pictures in the project files. I can upload the Microsoft publisher sample if required).

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  • May 23, 2011 3:45 AM
    pixelscan pixelscan
      Project Holder
    We have increased the prize money to $350. Please can we ask for your best work on this project. We should have more work for the winning designer

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  • May 22, 2011 2:53 AM
    4graphicdesigner 4graphicdesigner
    Please increase price money

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