Selected Logos / Category: Travel & Tourism / Outdoor Activities Club
Outdoor Activities Club logos
By Staff Writer
One look at a company's logo can tell people a lot about that company, or nothing at all. A great logo design is always one that falls in the former category. However, trying to convey as much as you can about your company with a simple logo is a challenging task to achieve. Your outdoor activities club logo should give the audience a good idea of what they would be getting from your company.
The idea of representing all your activity offerings in a single, small logo might seem a bit daunting but companies have done it in the past, and so can you. To give you a good idea of elements that can be part of your logo, here are some examples presented of effective and ineffective logos.
The Good
This is one of the best logos of activities clubs that you can take inspiration from. The image used in the logo is detailed enough to let the audience know what the company is offering. Mountain climbing, hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking, wildlife; everything is represented in this logo and in an extremely simple way at that. The logo does not come across as cluttered or complicated while representing all the activities in a clean and crisp design. The clipart alone can be used without the text as a brand identity in most cases without creating any confusion about the nature of services. The clever use of complementary colors in the logo keeps it from becoming too overwhelming. This design is definitely a winner!
The Bad
What comes to mind when you look at this logo? Definitely not a youth outdoors activity club, that's for sure! From colors to font, everything in this logo is anything but youthful and exciting. The biggest shortcoming is that it does not tell what the company is offering as a service. Looking at it; this can be a logo for a software firm, a scientific research lab or anything else. There is distinctive element in the logo that would enable audience to relate this logo with an outdoor activities club for youth. In addition to the entire design failure, the colors are also unflattering to the brand image. Fun, excitement, adventure and outdoors are not the things that would come to your mind looking at this logo. A big fail!
The Average
Another good example is this logo designed for a week-long outdoor event. This event logo, although not extremely polished or refined, was good considering it delivered the message remarkably well. Outdoor activities definitely come to the mind when you take a look at this logo. The color choice and graphics could have been better. The company will have some difficulty in scaling this logo to different sizes and backgrounds. If it were to be a permanent logo for a company, this could have been a major drawback but as it is for an event, it works quite effectively.
The Overwhelming
Just like our winning logo, this one tries to depict as many outdoor activities as possible. The result, however, is not what you can call effective and the logo looks too complex and overdone. The first fail in this logo is the use of too many fonts, all in different colors, affecting the readability of text. Next, the images are positioned in a confusing manner disrupting the text and making the text even less readable. No more than two fonts and colors should be used ideally in a logo for the text. More colors can be added to the images though.
Now that you have seen these logos you would have an idea of the essential elements needed in a logo for an outdoor activities club. It is important to add at least one image in your logo that represents the outdoors or an activity that your club has to offer. Being a leisure and fun company, you have the opportunity to be creative with your logo design, adding a variety of colors and images without making it appear unprofessional. Avoid the cliches though, like a silhouette of mountains in the backdrop, which is quite common in the industry.
Also, be creative with the colors you are using. Dark blue, grey and red are usually colors that are associated more with professionalism, maturity and care, being reserved for more formal logos. The idea you are trying to present should relate with fun, adventure and outdoors so colors like green, sky blue, orange, brown and yellow are more suited to your brand. While using a bit of color is good for your logo, keep these diverse colors reserved to images used and not the text. To get the right elements right in your logo, consult logo design experts if you want your logo to be the image of your brand that stays in the minds of your audience.