3° of Goodness Logo Design

3° of Goodness

Contest Holder 3ofGoodness ?

Last Logged in : 5204days5hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: 3° of Goodness Logo Design
Industry: Food Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 29, 2010
Selected: 1 winning design from 375 concepts
Winning Design by: BIMPOP
Close Date: Dec 09, 2010

3° of Goodness Logo Design - Food

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

3° of Goodness Logo Design

3° of Goodness


3° of Goodness is a online snack foods company. Many items are produced in house; such as, multiple varieties roasted nuts, dried fruits, granolas, popcorns, brittles, candies, snack mixes, trail mixes, etc.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Industry Oriented

We like colors found naturally in food. Please stay away from any shades of blue and/or purple. Probably a combination of two or three colors.


We like the use of negative space in a logo, but is not a requirement. We have seen several concepts utilizing the degree symbol, and like the idea if executed properly.

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  • November 05, 2011 11:21 PM
    RichardB RichardB
    Check out www.DesignCage.net its pretty awesome,you can win more contests.

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  • November 05, 2011 10:50 PM
    RichardB RichardB
    Check out www.DesignCage.net its pretty awesome,you can win more contests.

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  • December 13, 2010 12:38 PM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    #373 from BIMPOP is our winner! Please congratulate his impressive work. There were numerous designs that really impressed our team! We appreciate everyone's designs and hard work. We look forward to the next opportunity we may have to work with each of you. In a short while 3degreesofgoodness.com will be up. Please stop by and take a look.

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  • December 10, 2010 9:16 AM
    donarkz donarkz
    I have a guess who will win this one.. BIMBOP for me. :)

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  • December 08, 2010 10:30 PM
    sihem sihem
    Thanks PH!

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  • December 08, 2010 12:58 PM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    Thanks to all for your continued efforts in designing logos! I appreciate the uniqueness that so many of your ideas have brought. Based on our ratings you should know which designs we are most fond of. If you have another unique idea feel free to develop it. @ Sihem and Donarkz I feel the two designs were different interpretations. Thanks for both of your efforts.

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  • December 08, 2010 11:21 AM
    sihem sihem
    Hai Admin Every artist will use only 3 circles ,cos the company name is 3. Some designer can use circle, square, rectangle or any other shape to represent 3. Now I can blame even the artist who complained, derived his design from the old designs, which you can see for yourself. #65, #210, #192, #261, #175, #115 I am not blaming any artist. It is quiet natural for many artist to have the same elements in their design. The presentation only is the creative. The use of same element can not be a replica. His treatment and mine are totally different. Hope you do something.

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  • December 08, 2010 10:48 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Design #201 by sihem is a replica of #191 by donarkz, therefore has been taken down.

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  • December 08, 2010 8:59 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Designers: Please report all rip off claims at: report@mycroburst.com

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  • December 03, 2010 12:09 PM
    donarkz donarkz
    #87 need feedback pls.

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  • December 01, 2010 11:36 PM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    Although we really like the sheen look, with the style of packaging etc. we think this element needs to be subtle if implemented and not a dominate feature in the design.

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  • December 01, 2010 11:32 PM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    #46, #47, and #48 I like the use of the three squares. I'd rather see something creative done in them in lieu of the "3°" I envision that being separate in that design. Try making each box a unique natural color.

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  • December 01, 2010 10:58 AM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    In addition to the comments we have left, we would like to see some other options. Let's see some other interpretations. We'd like to seem some options outside the realm of a leaf. A few ideas might be incorporating a spoon, raw ingredients, anything that you would feel represents high quality, tasty, snack foods. In addition we have increased the prize money to $500! Good luck let's see your designs!

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  • December 01, 2010 10:52 AM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    We have updated some ratings, and here are a few things we like to see! #33 - Great design. We really like what you have here. Is there a subtle way to make "goodness" standout. Also a variation w/ the font used on #13 for a visual comparison. #34 - Nice. Let's see a version with shading similar to #33 instead of the pronounced lines in the "3". #28 - The idea has something. Can we see this executed a little further, remove any straight lines, change the color theme, and introduce a new font for "goodness". #24 - Nice design, we'd like to see some different colors, and a few different font options for "goodness". #22 and #23 - Can we see a version with less focus on the sheen and incorporate your abstract triangular design into 3 layered colors (one color p/ triangle). #16 - Please make a version with a more flowing banner, and let's try to see the brand name pop more, along with the three objects having more pop and depth. #27 and #15 - We like the square/cube look, the font of the "3" and "goodness" need to be changed. Please see some of the other options we like along with the pdf I posted for examples. Let's see a circle behind the "3" inside the square/cube.

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  • November 30, 2010 6:03 PM
    3ofGoodness 3ofGoodness
      Project Holder
    Great work so far! We really appreciate everyone's designs, the designs we rated are those which we feel best represent the vision we have for the logo. Designs #5 and #13 are the ones we like the best thus far. That being said we'd like to see revisions and alternative elements to any of those that weren't eliminated. We are also going to upload a pdf file, which contains different designs that might help promote and articulate different design elements that we like. Once again, thanks to each of you and we look forward to seeing more. Please don't hesitate to ask us questions, we'll be happy to offer any feedback to help.

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