Wealth Management Business Logo

Drake Wealth Management LLC

Contest Holder drakecolin ?

Last Logged in : 4539days20hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Wealth Management Business Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 10, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 436 concepts
Winning Design by: dwimalai
Close Date: Feb 01, 2012

Wealth Management Business Logo - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Wealth Management Business Logo

Drake Wealth Management LLC


Hey there. Thanks for your help! I need a logo design for a new wealth management business named "Drake Wealth Management LLC". The idea is to be the "next evolution in wealth management": financial planning meets life coaching. I'll offer all the traditional nuts and blots, dollars and sense, technical financial planning, but it will be offered in the context of asking the question: what do you really want? What does a rich and thriving life look like for you? It's about having wealth fuel a passionate and meaningful thriving life. Money doesn't bring happiness. So let's create of vision of what really WILL light you up and then organize your finances as one supporting factor for that life. Get it?

I'm looking for something midway between conservative and creative/artsy/soft. In other words, not really conservative like a Wall Street bank, nor too flowery like a yoga studio. Somewhere in between. My brand is about thriving. Thriving Wealth, Thriving Life.
Thank you so much!

Financial Services

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark




Web 2.0
Web 2.0


Blue. Also open to any.

not sure

I'm not trying to look like a big New York Bank. Nor am I trying to look like a chakra healing center. I'd like people to comment on the logo when they get my card.

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  • February 01, 2012 9:52 PM
    five5 five5
    haahahaha... no star is winner

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  • January 19, 2012 12:02 AM
    Awaiting for your kind feedback...

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  • January 16, 2012 12:29 PM
    drakecolin drakecolin
      Project Holder
    Thanks to all for the wonderful submissions. For the final stretch, here's what I'm going to suggest: I have plenty of duck, torch, knight concepts. (I've liked fire more than torch as a symbol, and mounted knight more than just helmet). I've learned that there's a plus and a minus to giving guidance. The plus is lots of great ideas along the lines of the idea (duck, knight, torch, etc.) The minus is a other types of designs aren't submitted as much. I got "deeper" ideas rather than "wider ideas". For this last stretch, I'm interested in "widening out" to more ideas on the more classic, elegant, simple and sophisticated side. I've liked logos with the letter D (not DWM, or W, or DW). I've also liked circles as a symbol. And I'm open to any other cool creative idea you come up with that isn't constrained by suggestions about D or circle. I'm veiling the project per recommendation. I really appreciate you guys, your creativity and support. Thanks so much. Colin

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  • January 13, 2012 1:12 PM
    Raiden Raiden
    To: drakecolin (Project Holder) So what direction are you going to take now Mr. Project Holder? Is it: The duck? The knight/dragon/castle? The flame/torch? The initials? Or all of the above? Thank you.

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  • January 11, 2012 9:44 PM
    drakecolin drakecolin
      Project Holder
    Update: I'm really appreciate of your work and ideas so far. Thank you so much! I've got enough duck ideas to go on for now. Here are three more ideas to consider: 1. As above - a torch or flame in the logo. Reason: The heart of the service is about lighting people up. Faning the flames of their desire - their hopes. Having them burn bright and be alive. Imagery that communicates that sense would be great. 2. Imagery that evokes something new and powerful emerging. Like a new dawn, a transformation, a new energy coming forth. People want money because they hope it will offer them the freedom to have the life of their choosing. It helps, and coaching can also help people become who they want to be. So images to touch in people a sense of possibility, a calling to live a vibrant, joyful, authentic life. I see blues and yellows/oranges 3. Knight imagery. The process of discovering your path and taking it has parallels to all the great King Arthur tales or knight's tales in general: a knight musters great courage and faces his dragons on a great adventure to win honor (and the maiden). Or parallel's to the Heroine's Journey... Any good ideas with that kind of flavor? (One idea is simply a knights helmet beside the words Drake Wealth Management. Or, getting more complicated, something around knight, lance, dragon, castle, maiden." Perhaps this idea is too masculine, but it's one possibility. Thanks so much. I love this site and you designers - what talent you have! Colin

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  • January 11, 2012 4:04 PM
    drakecolin drakecolin
      Project Holder
    Thanks for all the submissions so far. I have an updated opinion having seen these. I'm leaning away from designs that really emphasize the combo of letters DWM (and give equal emphasis to the WM). I'm preferring those which emphasize the Drake or the D part of DWM. Two additional ideas if anyone wants to play with them. A torch as the logo. A Drake (male duck) as the logo. Thanks!

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