T-Shirt design for Extreme Sailing Company
Nautilus Sailing
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Last Logged in : 3996days2hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
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Live Project


Project Finalized

Creative Brief
T-Shirt design for Extreme Sailing Company
Nautilus Sailing
We need a T-shirt design that our young, extreme clients will enjoy wearing. Our current Nautilus T-shirt (file attached) is rather plain and boring. We like the distressed, grafitti style used in T-shirts for the surf, snowboard and skateboarding industries (companies like Quiksilver, Billabong, Oneill, Burton, etc...)
Young, athletic, sporty and extreme 25-40 year old men and women.
1. The T-shirt design needs to look good on gray t-shirts 2. The t-shirt will have just two design components, one for the front and one for the back (we do not want things on the sleeves or artwork that will require more than 2 images when the t-shirt is printed. 3. The design needs to incorporate our current logo and company name "Nautilus Sailing". You can play with format of the words and the logo though. 4. The design needs to be "extreme" in the overall feel and appearance. 5. Optional: Our tag line is "Explore... Dream... Discover!" This can be used on the T-shirt if you think it would look good, but is not necessary. 6. Optional: For the back of the T-shirt, you could include a compass as part of your overall design (I'll attach a file of the type of thing that might be used).
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