T-Shirt design for Extreme Sailing Company

Nautilus Sailing

Contest Holder Globalnomad ?

Last Logged in : 3996days2hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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Project Finalized

Project: T-Shirt design for Extreme Sailin ...
Industry: Sports Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 17, 2014
Selected: 2 winning design from 62 concepts
Winning Design by: capt6blok
Close Date: Mar 25, 2014

T-Shirt design for Extreme Sailing Company - Sports

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

T-Shirt design for Extreme Sailing Company

Nautilus Sailing

We need a T-shirt design that our young, extreme clients will enjoy wearing. Our current Nautilus T-shirt (file attached) is rather plain and boring. We like the distressed, grafitti style used in T-shirts for the surf, snowboard and skateboarding industries (companies like Quiksilver, Billabong, Oneill, Burton, etc...)


Young, athletic, sporty and extreme 25-40 year old men and women.

1. The T-shirt design needs to look good on gray t-shirts 2. The t-shirt will have just two design components, one for the front and one for the back (we do not want things on the sleeves or artwork that will require more than 2 images when the t-shirt is printed. 3. The design needs to incorporate our current logo and company name "Nautilus Sailing". You can play with format of the words and the logo though. 4. The design needs to be "extreme" in the overall feel and appearance. 5. Optional: Our tag line is "Explore... Dream... Discover!" This can be used on the T-shirt if you think it would look good, but is not necessary. 6. Optional: For the back of the T-shirt, you could include a compass as part of your overall design (I'll attach a file of the type of thing that might be used).

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  • March 25, 2014 5:45 PM
    Globalnomad Globalnomad
      Project Holder
    Thank you so much for all your hard work and your great designs! We do appreciate it and will now finalize a winner...

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  • March 20, 2014 11:29 PM
    Globalnomad Globalnomad
      Project Holder
    Thanks for your hard work! A couple of things: 1. I am liking the t-shirt designs that have one larger image on one side, and then something smaller and simpler on the other side, rather than two big designs. I think with two big designs things are looking a bit busy. 2. Instead of just putting our logo on top of some distressed artwork, try to incorporate the distressing into our logo so that the logo seems like a part of the background. Keep up the good work!

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  • March 19, 2014 12:47 PM
    Globalnomad Globalnomad
      Project Holder
    Ruddy, thanks for the new submissions. I like the back of the T-shirt in #9, #10 & #11, but would actually like to see a more distressed feel, like you had in #8. Draft #8 has more of a grafitti style to it which I like, I just didn't like the wheel. The front of the T-shirt is still too busy. I don't like the blue boat behind the logo, and think we need to be more creative with how we present our logo here.

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  • March 19, 2014 11:53 AM
    Globalnomad Globalnomad
      Project Holder
    A good start! Rudyy, I really like what you've done with the back of the T-shirt for draft #8. This is definitely a nice effect. Can we remove the old fashioned steering wheel though, and just have the compass? In terms of the front of the t-shirt, with such an interesting back design I think we can keep the front more simple. Mancheva, I like the simplicity of draft #6, but perhaps we could make it a little more interesting? Imaginer, the back of draft #4 has potential but just doesn't quite all go together at this point. Thanks for your work!

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