Strong Coffee Marketing Logo

Strong Coffee

Contest Holder SirShanksAlot ?

Last Logged in : 2224days22hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Strong Coffee Marketing Logo
Industry: Advertising Logo
Contest Launched: Sep 25, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 125 concepts
Winning Design by: mdsgrafix
Close Date: Oct 15, 2014

Strong Coffee Marketing Logo - Advertising

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Strong Coffee Marketing Logo

Strong Coffee


Strong Coffee is a trendsetting digital marketing agency. Where our competitors keep their skills and knowledge close to their chest, we prefer an open, honest a knowledge-sharing approach. Our commitment to openness, honesty and knowledge-sharing has helped us differentiate ourselves in the digital marketing landscape, and it has helped us become a leader in this medium in our province. This is the the major pillar of our new brand, and one we're hoping to convey with our new logo design.

We are working on developing a complete brand for Strong Coffee, remaining a BOLD presence in the marketplace, but also showing our approachable and inspirational traits. With a new logo, we want to convey to consumers that we are leaders as well as educators in the digital marketing industry. We also want to be approachable while remaining professional. We want to be the go-to digital agency in Canada. We want to change the landscape by being the first digital agency that is completely transparent about its processes and shines light on the digital marketing shadow.

We wish to expand on the idea of Marketing-Based Educational Transparency, where we understand and employ the power of digital marketing and its ability to convert and transform, while passing this on to our clients giving them the ability to continue to walk down and understand the path we have presented to them. Our brand identity will position us as educators instead of sellers. Experts, but humble, open and honest.

Creative Direction

Creatively, we would like our brand to remain conversational, educational and understandable. We speak to our audiences in a clear and direct manner in order to limit industry jargon and make the consumers feel comfortable and respected.

The new Strong Coffee logo should represent the elements aforementioned, in a rich, vibrant and fun way. We wish to be seen as honest, professional educators of the digital marketing trade. This is something our competitors don't do. We extend to you the freedom to experiment with all colours and designs, keeping in mind that we plan to stand out professionally on the web and potentially in print. We provide consumers with the digital kick-start required to give them the ability to further their business practices, and we hope to portray this with our tagline, “Bold Marketing”, however we are open to new suggestions as well. We want to stay away from the typical “coffee art”, consisting of coffee cups, coffee stains and beans etc. or at a minimum stay away from obvious depictions of them. We are open to subtle icon connections to our business name, though. We would like to branch out to new and exciting ideas. We need a strong font, likely sans serif. We also need a standalone element that can be used solo or in conjunction with the brand name text.


Web 2.0
Web 2.0


You can see our current logo on our website at We are not tied to those colors by any means. We're completely open to new ideas and suggestions.


Included in the brief.

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  • October 14, 2014 8:20 AM
    muhammadnatsir muhammadnatsir
    #95, :) for new pc at home so i will bother my friend when work at my friend internetshop and for share needs fund, honestly. and pardon for others designers whom work in this project, i have to push this way, i promise other time i will support Zillion Designs to choose which design will select as a winner on deciding periode. regard, Muhammad Natsir.

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  • October 14, 2014 8:09 AM
    muhammadnatsir muhammadnatsir
    #95, and i am sorry for adapting logo, with purpose to work in here for long periode, :)

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  • October 14, 2014 7:39 AM
    muhammadnatsir muhammadnatsir
    #95, cool.

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  • October 02, 2014 12:46 PM
    SirShanksAlot SirShanksAlot
      Project Holder
    @Arsal23 #67 - 70, can you please re submit your most recent versions without the website image. It makes it very difficult to see the logo since it makes it so small.

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  • October 01, 2014 4:36 PM
    SirShanksAlot SirShanksAlot
      Project Holder
    Hey guys - we're still seeing a lot of 'beans' and 'coffee cups' - we're trying to move away from the 'coffee' connections, despite our name. So feel free to have free reign with your designs. If their is a subtle touch to "coffee" were open to it. We really want to see a strong font for our logo name, and a graphic element to the left of it, that speaks to our brand promise: Our focus to collaborative, honest, and open digital marketing with our clients. We give our clients full access to watch and monitor everything we do, let them have their say and contribute and train them how to run it themselves if they want to. We are their partner in business, not a faceless agency that keep their business practices, accounts/data, knowledge and experience under lock and key. We don't work in the shadows of digital marketing. We realize digital is a newer space for many business, and there are lots of questions about it. We are here to best navigate and educate them through it.

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  • September 27, 2014 3:58 PM
    SirShanksAlot SirShanksAlot
      Project Holder
    Some interesting designs thus far, thanks everyone! No more biceps or strong man depictions though please, that is not the angle we're going for. Thanks!

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