Redesign of Wedding Website Homepage

Huge Website so please give us the best you have!

Contest Holder dotcomer ?

Last Logged in : 3925days8hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Redesign of Wedding Website Homep ...
Industry: Wedding Logo
Contest Launched: Jul 17, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 141 concepts
Winning Design by: itmech
Close Date: Jul 31, 2013

Redesign of Wedding Website Homepage - Wedding

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Redesign of Wedding Website Homepage

Huge Website so please give us the best you have!


Company that provides tools to rate and review wedding vendors, compare vendors provide tips by our verified vendors and wedding packages.








I would like a different layout. I believe the current interface does not look like a website started in 2013. The graphics look 5 years old. The design needs overhauled to increase conversion rates. I would like a different navigational bar that looks modern and clean like the other websites attached but still sets me apart from them with the same things in the navigation bar as I have now. I want to do away with the fields to enter your user name and password and just have a log in link like in below pictures of other websites. I want to change the word in the box that says Vendors and Reviews to Wedding Vendors and Reviews. The most important things to highlight on the site will be Vendor Tips, Comparison of Vendors Tool, Ratings and Reviews and Wedding Packages. I will add all but ratings and reviews as this other stuff is not programed in yet. Not sure if that can be done with a picture slide show? Please look on our homepage and notice how the pictures change with the text below them. I want to do something different with that and make it look more modern and clean like does if you go to their site. I want to be different than them but the picture rotation is an example. Be creative with this. Use wedding objects like envelopes, invitations, etc. I would like to keep same colors unless you have better ideas.



  • July 20, 2013 11:08 PM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    Designers, I changed the map to a world map similar to the one I have attached. I would like a map like that or another if you think you have one that would fit better and with some unique pins on the map. Please find the sample map attached. It can be one just like that or one better than that if you got one.

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  • July 20, 2013 8:05 AM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    Designers, The map of the USA will have all states in a light color. Then pick like 5 states to highlight a little brighter and put pins in them or something like that. There is no vendor section in the middle like my URL and no recent contest winner.

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  • July 19, 2013 6:25 PM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    Designers For the wedding packages section I am thinking of a map of the USA with little pins in it so you can search for wedding packages. You will be able to zoom in and out of this map. It can be a pin or be creative instead of a pin put a key or something wedding there. Please do away with recent contest winner and vendor sections below my slide show as well as the.

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  • July 18, 2013 10:17 PM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    The vendor tips section will appear on my homepage as a type of RSS feed. As vendors upload them on the backend they will appear on the front end. So if you have a clever way to display that, try it out.

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  • July 18, 2013 11:03 AM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    I have uploaded pictures for anyone to be able to use

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  • July 18, 2013 9:51 AM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    I also want the social media buttons someone visiable and preferably at the top like I have it now unless you have a better vision.

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  • July 18, 2013 9:49 AM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    I do not want the recent contest winner box included like on my web page now. Also the boxes with pictures in the middle of my page that say wedding vendors. I do not want that either in the new design.

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  • July 18, 2013 8:47 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Designers, Please only use images provided by the project holder. If in case source of images has not been provided, you are requested to use images from “”. Images used from any other website or source will not be accepted. In case you are using images from “”, please make sure to keep a record of image ID numbers as contest winners will be required to provide those ID's. Furthermore, designers are requested only to use system fonts on all web design projects, files with non-system fonts will not be accepted. DESIGNERS ARE STRICTLY ADVISED TO ABIDE TO THESE RULES. STRICT ACTION WOULD BE TAKEN IN CASE OF ANY VIOLATION. Thanks! MB/LDG/LS Team

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  • July 17, 2013 1:40 PM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    Sorry there was some mispellings in the last commment. For navigational links I am thinking about (Home,Forum, About Us, Find a Vendor, Vendor Reviews, Review a Vendor, Vendor Tips, Wedding Packages

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  • July 17, 2013 1:38 PM
    dotcomer dotcomer
      Project Holder
    For navigational links I am thinking about (Home,Forumm, About US, Find a Vendor, Vendor Reviews, Review a Vendor, Vendor Tips, Wedding Packages

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