Prevailing Faith Church

Prevailing Faith Church

Contest Holder pfclogo1 ?

Last Logged in : 4585days16hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Prevailing Faith Church
Contest Launched: Aug 04, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 212 concepts
Winning Design by: artsie9324
Close Date: Aug 24, 2012

Prevailing Faith Church - Religion and Spirituality

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Prevailing Faith Church

Prevailing Faith Church

The Place For Miracles


A Global image (GLOBE) with wheat stalks on each side symbolizing the world harvest. We are open to a completely different approach and new ideas other than the Global.

Religion and Spirituality



High Tech

blue and gold

not sure

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  • August 18, 2012 8:15 PM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    We have received some great designs but have not chosen the winning design. We want to see some more designs. There are three different designs that we are considering. Here is the tree approaches we want to take.----- (1) We would like to see a few more Dove logos with the dove being created out of swooshes. Nothing religious looking. We want professional edgy and trendy. ------(2) We would also like to see a different approach, some world globe images with wheat stalks around the globe image. We prefer rich deep blues and rich gold design colors.------ (3) We would also really like to see a design just using wheat stalks. Wheat stalks forming a circle with Prevailing Faith Church across the middle. The name can come out beyond the circle of wheat stalks. Also our tag line that must appear in all designs ---The Place For Miracles--- Thanks.

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  • August 18, 2012 12:09 AM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    We have received some great designs but have not chosen the winning design. We want to see some more designs. There are three different designs that we are considering. Here is the tree approaches we want to take.----- #1 We would like to see a few more Dove logos with the dove being created out of swooshes. Nothing religious looking. We want professional edgy and trendy. ------#2 We would also like to see a different approach, some world globe images with wheat stalks around the globe image. We prefer rich deep blues and rich gold design colors.------ #3 We would also really like to see a design just using wheat stalks. Wheat stalks forming a circle with Prevailing Faith Church across the middle. The name can come out beyond the circle of wheat stalks. Also our tag line that must appear in all designs ---The Place For Miracles--- Thanks.

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  • August 11, 2012 5:44 AM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    We appreciate the designs that have been submitted for our project so far. We would like to see a design that uses swooshes to create the outline of a dove side view of head and wings with Prevailing Faith Church inserted to the right. The image of the dove could also be centered above Prevailing Faith Church or PFC or PF could be placed within the dove image. No typical religious looking symbols. We want it cutting edge and trendy. Please use swooshes not any religious symbols. Please do not withdraw any of the designs on our project page because they are still being considered for our final winning design. Thanks

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  • August 09, 2012 5:43 AM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    We like many of the designs and appreciate the work of each designer. We still would like to see a design that uses the letters PFC or just PF as our logo. Please do not withdraw any designs still left the project page because they are still being considered for our final winning design.

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  • August 08, 2012 2:13 AM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    Hi Everyone and thank you all for your hard work! We really like many of the designs we have seen so far. Some of them have shown a lot of creativity and we would love to continue to see what other creative designs you might have for us. When it is time for us to make our final decision we want to know that we have seen every one of your great ideas and feel confident in our choice. Having said that we would like to see something in a new direction. It is not that we don't really like what we have so far, but many of you have surprised us and done so well we wanted to see what could be done with one of our older logos bringing it up to date with more of a modern feel to it, although not a futuristic feel, just a modern one. Our old logo was a picture of a mountain being moved by our name, Prevailing Faith Church. It stood for having faith that could move mountains. We do like and even prefer the blue and gold colors in many of our current designs, but please feel free to be creative because we know that at this point it is the design that is important and the colors are much easier to change later if need be. Please also keep the tag line "The Place for Miracles" and the rest is up to you. You can take the globe out or leave it in if you think it looks better that way. Feel free to take out the wheat stalks or again you may leave them in. It is up to you. But the mountain is the key here. The idea is mountain moving faith, but if creating the illusion of a moving mountain isn't working for you then just use a mountain. That will be fine. Please do not use the picture of a mountain, but rather an illustration of a mountain. There are many companies that already use an illustrated mountain as a logo and that is great, but the idea we would like to see, if possible, is a mountain that is moving. And if not a moving mountain, then just a mountain is fine too with our name and the tag line. Where you place the mountain and whether you place the mountain in a circle or not, is all up to you. Please be as creative as you wish, but keep in mind we usually do not like the designs with a futuristic look, we are just looking for a modern, up to date feel. If I could summarize what I am talking about I would say "keep it simple". McDonald's uses an "M". Apple uses a simple outline of an apple. Mercedes uses a circle with 3 spokes and we are ready to see what you can come up with for us. Also, please do not withdraw any of the designs still up since some of them are our favorites thus far. Thank you

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  • August 04, 2012 10:28 PM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    We like the look of the Higher Purpose Fellowship project.

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  • August 04, 2012 8:55 PM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    We would like to see a design that is more trendy. Open to using other colors.

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  • August 04, 2012 11:51 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team

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  • August 04, 2012 5:01 AM
    pfclogo1 pfclogo1
      Project Holder
    This is not quite what we are looking for although the lettering is clear and looks good in draft #1. A world globe with wheat stalks on each side is what we wanted to start with. We are open to other ideas also.

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