New Logo for Debt Collection Agency

Grimm Collections

Contest Holder WashingtonCollectors ?

Last Logged in : 2144days23hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: New Logo for Debt Collection Agen ...
Contest Launched: Sep 03, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 995 concepts
Winning Design by: athlon24
Close Date: Oct 19, 2012

New Logo for Debt Collection Agency - Financial Services

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

New Logo for Debt Collection Agency

Grimm Collections


Please visit our website splash page for details who we are at:

We would like the new logo to respresent a longstanding company that our clients can put their trust and confidence in to collect their past due accounts. The logo will appeal to all age demographics, as well as consumers/clients alike.

Financial Services

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark




Designer discretion. In the past I have favored green/blue/black/red/gray...but willing to venture out from those typical corporate colors.

not sure

Designers: Grimm Collections is a third generation family business. "Grimm" is actually the last name of the family. Although the name is quite memorable, often times people believe the name to be curiously witty or designed for amusement given the industry that we are in. Many are surprised to later learn that this is a family name...but the name stands out and is very memorable. We do enjoy the popular notoriety given our name. But the bottom line- consumers that have past due debt with our company remember us and our name. Please refrain and avoid any use of dark images/graphics/design (example: gothic font) that might create a negative image of our company or industry. Also avoid anything that conjures up images associated with "Grimm Fairy Tales/The Brothers Grimm" or the NBC tv show "Grimm".

Avoid currency (money images) in the logo.

Just an idea for one concept. Grimm is a strong and powerful word, and is hard to forget. Perhaps "Grimm" needs to be punched up and really stand out in the logo.
I like the "Marvel" comics logo. I wonder how that might work into a Grimm Collections logo? I don't want it cartoony...but would like to see how it draws out.

Can "GC" be worked into the logo? Just an idea/concept, but not necessary.

It would maybe be nice to see a logo that could also be used in a 3D type of format as well (drop shadow, edging) for website or cool stationary design.

Don't forget: Logo will be used is various promotional giveaway gifts (pens, coffee mugs, letter opens, etc.) Also building signage.

Another concept. A logo that can have any new changing tag line inserted under/over...or to the side of it.

Another concept. Original logo was supposed to combine a "G" into a dollar ($) sign. We feel this was never accomplished on any noticeable. Perhaps another try at it?

Concept: Perhaps a design that conveys partnership, and/or return of recovered money owing to our clients.

Looking forward to seeing some new and creative cool designs!

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  • October 15, 2012 7:55 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers, We have decided to add interest to the logo by dotting the "i" in GRIMM. I have uploaded an example doc for you to review to get an idea. Thank you.

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  • October 12, 2012 8:25 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers, Project has been extended a few more days. We have not had the time to give as much feedback as we would like to over the past few days for the finalists, therefore the project has been extended a few more days. We apologize for the delay on feedback. Great designs. In the few days left, I would like to challenge those designers that have participated in the project so far, as well as new prospective designers, to give us a concept that does NOT follow our guidelines in the creative brief or public comments. In other words, surprise us with something utterly new! Thank you.

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  • October 12, 2012 8:25 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers, Project has been extended a few more days. We have not had the time to give as much feedback as we would like to over the past few days for the finalists, therefore the project has been extended a few more days. We apologize for the delay on feedback. Great designs. In the few days left, I would like to challenge those designers that have participated in the project so far, as well as new prospective designers, to give us a concept that does NOT follow our guidelines in the creative brief or public comments. In other words, surprise us with something utterly new! Thank you.

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  • October 12, 2012 8:21 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers, Project has been extended a few more days. We have not had the time to give as much feedback as we would like to over the past few days for the finalists, therefore the project has been extended a few more days. We apologize for the delay on feedback. Great designs. In the few days left, I would like to challenge those designers that have participated in the project so far, as well as new prospective designers, to give us a concept that does NOT follow our guidelines in the creative brief or public comments. In other words, surprise us with something utterly new! Thank you.

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  • October 09, 2012 3:15 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers, I have uploaded a doc for you to review as to the look that we prefer for the notch in the letter "i" in GRIMM. We have been seeing some great alternatives, but so far we are looking at using this look. Rather than us coaching everybody in private messages about this, I thought it was just easier to let everyone know at the same time as to not waste further time. In addition, we prefer that the letter "i" stay the same color all over. So until further notice, don't submit future designs that has a different color in the notch area. Thank you.

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  • October 08, 2012 2:52 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, Everything is looking great so far. I have to make a correction to some of you that I privately messaged. As you know we are looking for an authoritative/confident/strong/powerful/bold font style for GRIMM. We are leaning for a gothic bank style for COLLECTIONS. In some cases gothic bank style looks good for both GRIMM and COLLECTIONS. I told some of you to look at the Aflac Insurance logo for guidance/inspiration. That was wrong. What I really meant was to point you in the direction of the GEICO insurance logo. Sorry bad!

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  • October 06, 2012 7:37 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers- Hello again. There was an issue with the winning logo, and it has taken this long to get everything all figured out. Without getting into all the details...we just decided to open the project back up again and continue to work with logos that have been submitted, as well as work with new concepts that are coming in. Please review our creative brief and public comments for some thought direction. If you want to try something wild or daring that goes beyond the scope of what we are looking for...GO FOR IT! We will look at ALL concepts. Thank you and good luck.

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  • September 25, 2012 11:29 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Dear Designers, We would like to update you on this project’s status. Upon finding an issue with winning design, we have closed the project without a winner. The project holder and designer were notified. If there are any updates, we will post them here to keep you informed. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

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  • September 21, 2012 6:06 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers, Just a reminder, we tend not to give much consideration to any concept that has a dollar sign in just looks too cheesy. However, if done could work. We just didn't want to see any of you wasting too much time on anything with that dollar sign. Good luck...just a few hours remaining left in the project. Throw out any last minute concepts for us. Thank you.

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  • September 18, 2012 6:43 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, We have received a lot of ideas with the square/crossword type of element around the letters. After careful consideration, this is concept does not work for us. So as of this point forward, do not submit anymore concepts of this nature. Also, we would like to see any future concept, and/or existing concept submitted with "INC." at the end of COLLECTIONS. We are curious as to how this would look if added. Thank you!

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  • September 18, 2012 6:42 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, We have received a lot of ideas with the square/crossword type of element around the letters. After careful consideration, this is concept does not work for us. So as of this point forward, do not submit anymore concepts of this nature. Also, we would like to see any future concept, and/or existing concept submitted with "INC." at the end of COLLECTIONS. We are curious as to how this would look if added. Thank you!

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  • September 18, 2012 12:51 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designer, Here a just another thought/idea if you are looking for a concept. We have not seen any designs that maybe "blocks letters" in the GRIMM COLLECTIONS letters. Maybe behind or around each letter in GRIMM are 5 squares with the letters inside the square/box element. OR, the word COLLECTIONS is inside a square text box type of thing, and the inside fill is black or a color of some sort, and the letters are maybe white or black. Hopefully this makes sense. Both of these design ideas don't have to be used together, maybe just one or the other.

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  • September 18, 2012 12:16 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, Good news: We have increased the prize award to $500! We are overwhelmed at the response and awesome creative concepts that are coming in to us. You all are making this very hard for us to decide. We also appreciate your patience with us as we have asked several of you re-submit quite a few revisions of your original concept. We really appreciate that! As we narrow down the ideas, we decided we needed more time to work with you all. So the contest has been extended another 3 days. We believe we will for sure have a winner at the conclusion of this extra 3 days. Just again a few suggestions, please remember to read our creative brief and public comments below for ideas what we are after. Also, we have not seen a creative that has a "red to black" type of theme. For those that may not understand this, it would be a concept referring to a company balance sheet, and negative/loss numbers would typically be in red. With our collection agency collecting past due debt, we bring those numbers from red back into black (positive territory). Anyway, this could be an element with subtle gradient or definite red/black color scheme. Don't use it the words GRIMM COLLECTIONS. We are also favoring logo elements that could be used on top of GRIMM COLLECTIONS, and to the left of GRIMM COLLECTIONS. We are favoring GRIMM on the top line, and COLLECTIONS underneath. That is not to say we would rule out anything with GRIMM COLLECTIONS on one line. We are also still looking at abstract elements. Many of the designs making it into the finals utilize in a creative way the initials "GC". Again, remember this logo needs to work well on paper, coffee cups, building signage, ect. We hope we are giving you all enough feedback. If not, please let us know. Thanks again designers...and GOOD LUCK as we enter the homestretch! Get those ideas in to us as soon as possible so we can comment!

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  • September 17, 2012 1:14 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, I have finally returned back from being away, and I have full internet access once again. Expect feedback and suggestions right away. Thank you for your patience.

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  • September 10, 2012 7:48 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers, Wow...great work coming in. I have limited access to a computer for the next day or two, so I apologize for my lack of feedback. All I can do right now is quickly star rate each concept. I hope to get back with you individually as soon as possible. Thanks again.

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  • September 08, 2012 3:50 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    ooops...somehow we lost connection... We are favoring GRIMM COLLECTIONS in uppercase...GRIMM is significantly bolder than COLLECTIONS...we are not seeing swoosh concepts that grab our attention...we do like seeing the initials GC in a cool element...we are liking blues and greens and blacks and grays...and as mentioned before...we are committed to changing color schemes periodically with the finished logo.] Thank you again to the worldwide creative community!! :)

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  • September 08, 2012 3:40 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Design Community: Thank you again for all the great concepts we have had the opportunity to review. You are all awesome...and have creative concepts that have gone beyond our imaginations. We thought we would let you know what is on our minds, and what we are thinking. After much thought and contemplation...we are favoring logo's that have GRIMM COLLECTIONS

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  • September 08, 2012 3:40 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Design Community: Thank you again for all the great concepts we have had the opportunity to review. You are all awesome...and have creative concepts that have gone beyond our imaginations. We thought we would let you know what is on our minds, and what we are thinking. After much thought and contemplation...we are favoring logo's that have GRIMM COLLECTIONS

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  • September 06, 2012 4:45 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    #81 I tried to private message you, but the website had some sort of issue with it. The swoosh element is looking too much like the number 6....can you provide an alternative element that has a more GC concept in it? Thank you.

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  • September 05, 2012 4:36 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Designers…thank you all and keep up the great work. We hope we are providing you with constructive and timely feedback on your concepts. We also thought we should give you all a few more ideas on some possible concepts that we really have not seen yet. I realize it is may be hard to convey “collection agency” in a design without throwing in some sort of clip artsy dollar sign or coin icon. We believe that is tacky, and want to avoid that. Some of the designs have arrows and/swoosh type elements...which is great. It states in a soft way “collection recovery cycle”. We are a critical component in the “economic credit and collection” process. So along those lines we have a “vital and rewarding partnership” with our clients. We sometimes can make the difference between profit and loss for our business clients. We “increase” our client’s bottom line. We make our clients “whole again”. We “get back” money that our clients thought they would never see again. We “find and locate” debtors, and work with them to repay their debts. We are the “missing critical piece” to our clients business operations. Try some daring and creative elements that maybe suggest one of some of these ideas. Perhaps an arrow or line/swoosh thing going up? Or maybe an element that shows going from red to black (loss to profit). Or something that suggests “increasing profits”. As things come together, we also are finding that we are favoring black, gray/silver), and hues of blue, green, gray, silver. Some of the logos do look good with some minimal orange, red or gold. Please avoid yellow. We don’t really care for the words Grimm Collections to be in orange, red or gold. Our creative team here thought that we should maybe suggest a logo that periodically could have its color scheme change, but everything else in the logo stays the same. Only the colors change. It would be a way to keep the logo fresh looking over a number of years. So as you design, keep in mind a concept that maybe part or all of the logo elements could have a cool color change. Many of the logos that have been submitted would work nicely with color changes without altering its primary look and fee. Lastly…many of the designs we are favoring have a bold GRIMM font style. It would be interesting for some of the designs to have some sort of element dotting the “i” above GRIMM. This could a dot, square, swoosh, and element taken from the logo, or even as simple as a different color from the rest of the logo. Sometimes good logos just simply have something interesting that is only associated with one letter of the company. Thanks again for all your work!

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  • September 04, 2012 2:25 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team

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  • September 03, 2012 2:17 PM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Wow! Great concepts coming in...I can already tell this is going to be hard to narrow down. I will start giving feedback right away.

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  • September 03, 2012 3:53 AM
    WashingtonCollectors WashingtonCollectors
      Project Holder
    Hello Designers. I look forward to seeing your concepts for our new logo. I promise to give you a lot of feedback along the way. Good luck and thank you for participating!

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