Need an awesome logo

PriMedia Source, LLC

Contest Holder primedia ?

Last Logged in : 4296days23hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Need an awesome logo
Industry: Printing Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 26, 2013
Selected: 1 winning design from 216 concepts
Winning Design by: HorizonH
Close Date: Apr 04, 2013

Need an awesome logo - Printing

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Need an awesome logo

PriMedia Source, LLC


I have been in business for 12 years and am ready for a new logo. I want something fresh and new. PriMedia Source,LLC is a supplier of a diverse range of products - blank and printed labels (product labels), laser labels, barcode printers, scanners, hardware, thermal ribbon, poly bags. I am very proud of the name - Prime (meaning first) and Media (representing the wide range of media we supply) smooshed together makes PriMedia. I added Source to the name as we aim to be a single source supplier for these supplies.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


High Tech

Currently we use reflex blue and black but I am totally open to something new. I like gray/platinum also - surprise me! I am not interested in a logo that is too "loud" - not a fan or bright colors (reds, oranges) - need to keep it professional and not too modern.

not sure

I would like the logo to look good in 1 color when printed on quotes, email, etc. but need it to "pop" on business cards - I would like to use some spot UV on the business card. Most of the media that we sell is on rolls - rolls of labels, ribbon, etc. Maybe a few ideas that incorporate a "roll" look - without being obvious - or a subtle barcode.... perhaps the logo could imply these things without tying us to one product.

I am very open to new ideas/concepts. You can go to my website: and take a peek at the horrible logo that I designed 12 years ago (yikes). Website will be redesigned in the near future.

I also thought that the words Source, LLC could be under PriMedia since it's a long name. I want the emphasis to be on PriMedia.

I look forward to seeing what your creative mind comes up with!

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  • March 27, 2013 9:42 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team

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  • March 26, 2013 12:04 PM
    primedia primedia
      Project Holder
    Wondering if we could use a different font for SOURCE, LLC - it reminds me of an eye chart and seems a little hard to read. What are your thoughts on this?

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  • March 26, 2013 11:31 AM
    primedia primedia
      Project Holder
    Hello and thank you for the design - I would like to see what this would look like if the Source, LLC was under the PriMedia - I need PriMedia to stand out more. I would also like to see it with the Blue P but gray lettering. This is just the first logo I am looking at so I don't have anything to compare it to.

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