National Coalition for Marine Conservation - new organization name and logo

Wild Oceans

Contest Holder pgromen ?

Last Logged in : 4806days6hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: National Coalition for Marine Con ...
Industry: Environment Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 30, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 828 concepts
Winning Design by: sergiulazin
Close Date: Dec 17, 2011

National Coalition for Marine Conservation - new organization name and logo - Environment

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

National Coalition for Marine Conservation - new organization name and logo

Wild Oceans

for the future of fishing


We are transitioning our organization, “National Coalition for Marine Conservation” to “Wild Oceans.” Our new logo should represent symbolically all our organization stands for. Founded in 1973, our organization has a rich history working exclusively to conserve ocean fish. Wild Oceans better reflects our goal of keeping the oceans wild to preserve fishing opportunities for the future, a future that should favor the individual angler and small-scale commercial fisherman over industrial-scale exploitation and wholesale “farming” of the sea. Wild Oceans also provides a clearer statement of our mission to be a catalyst for change in national fishery policy, from a narrow single-species focus on yields to fisheries to an ecosystem-based approach that reflects our expanding circle of concern for all marine life. In our efforts to conserve the ocean’s top predators - the big tunas, marlins and sharks - we have evolved our conservation programs to include protecting the prey fish like menhaden, herring, sardine and squid that are crucial to the survival of a wide range of predatory fish, marine mammals and seabirds. See our organization web page for more background (



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



We would like to avoid spot colors, such as Pantone colors, that do not translate well into process colors (CYMK). Most of the printing we do is on a 4-color digital press. We gravitate toward ocean-related colors, such as blue, green, aqua, teal, etc. that are in our current logo (see but we are open to creativity here. Logo will likely be used in T-shirts and stationary so it should translate well into black and white.

not sure

Logo will be used in stationary and press releases and should be legible and recognizable at a small-size (approximately 1 inch square). Each element of the final product should be able to stand alone once the new brand is well established. The graphic, like a Nike swoosh, should be ID-able down the road. The Text “Wild Oceans” should also be able to be used in different applications without the graphic, and vice versa.

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  • December 22, 2011 1:39 AM
    smartconceptspilipinas smartconceptspilipinas
    congrats sergiulazin :)

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  • December 21, 2011 3:26 PM
    sergiulazin sergiulazin
    Thanks senki, great project and great designs. Awesome end of a fun year. Cheers everybody!

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  • December 21, 2011 2:38 PM
    senki senki
    Congrats :) nice work.

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  • December 21, 2011 1:52 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Congrats to sergiulazin for the winning design #690! There were many excellent designs. Thank you all for participating in our contest.

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  • December 19, 2011 9:39 AM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Dear Designers - It has been a pleasure to work with you all on this logo design project which is so important to our organization. I want to thank you for your time,creativity and dedication. We have trimmed the selection down to a few finalists and will be posting the winner no later than Wednesday, December 21. It has been an honor to work with you all, and we wish you continued success.

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  • December 17, 2011 2:20 PM
    ALSdesign ALSdesign
    first you copy my wave fish, unfortunately no longer in competition. how it feels to be copied?

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  • December 17, 2011 5:17 AM
    tomitod999 tomitod999
    #816 copy my concept

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  • December 16, 2011 9:34 PM
    Waiting for your feedback...

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  • December 15, 2011 12:38 PM
    swabnu swabnu
    thank you sir re open your project i will try my best work for you sir

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  • December 15, 2011 11:57 AM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Dear Designers - We have found that more time is needed for design submission. We are very pleased with our final candidates, but some of these final designs are in need of additional tweaking. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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  • December 12, 2011 1:23 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Dear Designers - We are so impressed with the designs that were created for our project. Thank you all! We will select a winner this week. Currently, we are in the process of organizing the drafts for the Clientshare feature so we may share with our directors. To do this, we have had to simplify and eliminate duplications, including designs that were showcased on T-shirts. This was helpful for us, and we may bring the T-shirts back later this week. Thank you for your understanding as we work through this process!

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  • December 09, 2011 7:17 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Hello designers - For new submissions since we unveiled the contest (after design #544), I am seeing fonts and coloring copied from other designers. Please work on something original to be considered in our deliberations next week. Thank you.

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  • December 09, 2011 2:37 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    We have unveiled the contest for one day only and will not be extending the deadline for submissions. We understand that unveiling the contest 1 day before a contest ends is a preference of many designers because it allows designs to be reviewed to make sure all are original and not copied ideas. We value the originality, talent and hard work of the designers that have participated in this project. Thank you all again!

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  • December 08, 2011 9:31 AM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Hi Designers - I am attempting to post a few web links that I think could be helpful to the design process. We have commented that marlin and sharks tend to be overused in designs for our industry. If designs feature these animals, the presentation must be unique. Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) are rarely seen in designs and our organization has a long history working on those. Here is a link to explain the difference between a marlin and swordfish: You can also take a look at this artwork that was created for our organization. The swordfish is the largest fish in the center of the art.

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  • December 07, 2011 7:38 AM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    I want to thank the designers for the wonderful submissions we have received so far. We appreciate your hard work and creativity. We are seeing a number of designs featuring whale tales and dolphins. As a reminder, we work exclusively on fish and do not want marine mammals featured in the logo. Please also avoid featuring great white sharks, which are overused in our industry. Thank you again!

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  • December 05, 2011 8:59 AM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    We are noticing that a few of the designs have dropped the "s" off of the word "Oceans." Please use Wild Oceans for the logo. Please do not forget the tagline, "for the future of fishing." Thank you!

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  • December 02, 2011 2:01 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    Our organization works exclusively on marine fish issues. Our biggest programs involve big fish predators (swordfish, marlin, tuna and sharks) and prey fish (herring, sardines, anchovy,squid). Some of the most promising designs we have seen so far feature one or more of these fish in the design element.

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  • December 02, 2011 1:55 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    We have veiled our project for the next 6 days to allow designers adequate time to create and refine their designs in privacy.

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  • November 30, 2011 2:14 PM
    pgromen pgromen
      Project Holder
    We are pleased to see the variety of designs coming in so soon after we launched this project. A couple of notes for consideration: - Draft #1 - We are interested in a new logo concept and not a reinvention of our old one, which we think is too flat for "Wild Oceans" - Drafts #4 and #5 - While we want a lively logo that reflects Wild Oceans, the jumping marlin is already widely used by other fishing businesses and organizations we work with. We want to stand out.

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