Modernize our logo for Granger Medical Clinic

Granger Medical Clinic

Contest Holder ccoleby ?

Last Logged in : 3805days23hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Modernize our logo for Granger Me ...
Industry: Medical Logo
Contest Launched: Oct 25, 2012
Selected: 5 winning design from 771 concepts
Winning Design by: uzumaki
Close Date: Nov 12, 2012

Modernize our logo for Granger Medical Clinic - Medical

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Modernize our logo for Granger Medical Clinic

Granger Medical Clinic

A member of the Granger Medical Family


providing excellent medical and healthcare services for you and your family.

Our currently logo is old and needs to be updated and modernized.

We currently use the Granger Medical Family tagline as we have 4 locations, but would consider alternative suggestions.







Only color we need to keep as our primary is Dark Green, PMS 554 Coated The accent colors are upto you, 1-2 more in addition to the green.

not sure

We are looking to modernize our medical clinic logo. It was created 2 decades ago. You can see our website to learn what we do. Our website will need to be redesigned as well, so don't feel locked in by what you see.

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  • November 12, 2012 3:36 AM
    Sheryl93 Sheryl93
    @uzumaki. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not on someone's others account, I'm just old here enough, I just ddin't compete here. I'm on other design community. about your design, took a few a days? I know your not a beginner and I'm not convince enough on "took a few days", that design is almost on the list a so-called "overused design or logo". Thanks :)

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  • November 11, 2012 11:31 PM
    uzumaki uzumaki
    @Sheryl93 ... I'm not sure if you are a beginner or just using other account to rise-up an issue, first and foremost it took couple of days me to do that concept perhaps can you call it same concept when in fact it has its own different meaning? I'm not pointing an individual WHO DOES your complain but please see for your self first you maybe the one who did..:)

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  • November 11, 2012 8:20 PM
    Sheryl93 Sheryl93
    hello PH. draft #679 is a same concept from this winning design

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  • November 11, 2012 1:15 PM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    Attention designers! Finalization of the design is being delayed by conflicting desires of the group at our annual shareholder meeting yesterday. Therefore we are attempting to contact Myrcoburst to allow us to add additional winners, which as of now I cannot because that upgrade is locked. My group has approved that My personal first choice design will receive the main prize, but we will award a 2nd place prize of $150, 3rd place of $100, 4th and 5th place of $50 each. This will allow us the time to modify designs with our in house marketing designer and re-present the choices at a later date internally.

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  • November 05, 2012 3:38 AM
    lsone lsone
    contest holder be carrefull most of the high rated are stock overused design concepts

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  • November 04, 2012 10:37 PM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    Thank you. This will be my last post before the submissions are closed. I welcome any last minute submissions. I will continue to consolidate and narrow down over the next few days, especially if there are multiple versions -> then I will pick your best one. The decision of the committee will narrow down to a final 5-10, then it will be upto a shareholder vote next Saturday. The winner will be notified then. If there is a need to obtain rights to a second design, then we will add a second winner with a smaller prize awarded. To better explain my rankings, 5 stars means no further revisions needed. I like it and you're in the running. 4 stars means I like it or someone in my committe liked it(not so much me) and you're in the running but something needs to be changed. 3 stars means good logo but may not be what I'm looking for, however there have been several that I ranked 2 stars and a committee member came back and ranked it their top. So I guess anything is possible. Good Luck!

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  • November 03, 2012 1:16 PM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    All, and some of you have done this well, but our preferred format in placement of the GMC initials or logo symbols is to the left of our clinic name. "GRANGER" (larger text) being placed over "MEDICAL CLINIC" in arrangement. Must be able to clearly read the full name from street signs and cars driving along the freeway. Thanks

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  • November 02, 2012 12:00 AM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    The quality of submissions are becoming more professional, and I had to extended the contest due to many last minute submissions. This gives me the weekend to provide final feedback and revisions. I need to narrow down to five which will be taken back to our board for final vote next week. Keep it up and look forward to feedback if 3 stars or more. Thank you.

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  • October 30, 2012 11:22 PM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    If you provide multiple versions of a similar design, we'll pick the one we like best and eliminate the rest. Suggestion: We may like to see subtle incorporation of a heart into the Illustration of the logo. Clarification: would consider a creative use of the medical symbol with a snake twirled up on a staff. We just don't want the medical wing one that is every where. If you incorporate it, then it must be your own design and be original in its use.

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  • October 30, 2012 10:54 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Project Holder: Please be informed that your project is a veiled project and designers are restricted to view only their own drafts which ensure that each design has its own originality however, you being a project holder can see all the designs. Suggestion: Provide consistent feedback and star rating on designs to attract more designers towards your project. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team.

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  • October 30, 2012 8:23 AM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    Really, really NO more designs using the "+" medical cross, NO more ECG lines, NO more stethoscope, and no more medical wings with the winding snakes up the staff. These are all over used generic symbols typically found in urgent care ,ER logos, or cheap stand alone quick clinics. We are large independent multispecialty group in multiple locations. We pride our selves in providing a higher level of care and skill. We provide comprehensive care for family's as well as those with difficult problems. We employ pediatrics, internal medicine, OB/GYN, surgery, orthopedics, plastic surgery, dermatology, Pain management,ENT and so on. It must be a symbol or illustration that will work for all of us. I have yet to see any good illustrations involving people, familys, faces or such. The generic one leg person or "swoosh" style people are not what I'm talking about.

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  • October 29, 2012 7:10 AM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    Sorry, slow to comment. Our group is actively reviewing all designs as of this morning and by tomorrow we will eliminate all but our top 25. Those remaining will get more personal directed feed back. The star feedback so far is mostly my own, and not yet of the group. I will adjust as the group provides input. Last thing. There seems to be several designs that are knock offs of popular swoosh, Ubuntu, and One-legged Pointy Man logos designs. Be careful, it needs to represent us well, be professional, be elegant. Some of your designs look like bio-hazard symbols,flowers, or truck logos. Again I would avoid use of the Medical Cross, EKG(except I do like #75), and stethoscope. I have yet see any illustrations of people or families. One-legged pointy man does not count. Thanks

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  • October 27, 2012 11:59 AM
    Designus Designus
    Hallo, #141,142 please also read my comments, attached with the proposal.

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  • October 26, 2012 10:52 PM
    splashdesigns splashdesigns
    Hi Contest Holder, thanks for your feedback. I have revised my design and submitted #96 and #97 in which I have used an illustrative symbol representing people holding hands (looking from above) to form a circle. I look forward to your feedback. Thanks and regards, Emma

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  • October 26, 2012 10:16 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team

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  • October 26, 2012 2:01 AM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    To update our brief, we have narrowed our focus to two very different types of design. 1) Illustrative variations to our GMC initials as the logo. #47, #33 and #5 are good. 2) Symbolic character or geometrical shape that has the potential of immediate brand recognition. Examples of a geometrical shape are like the Cleveland clinic or Mayo, but should be original. I've eliminated designs that are not going were we want.

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  • October 25, 2012 7:25 PM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    #16,17,18 I cann't see your work, it's blank.

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  • October 25, 2012 7:23 PM
    ccoleby ccoleby
      Project Holder
    This logo needs to come across as professional and easily viewed from street signs, but still be attractive and sophisticated enough for our brochure ads and website. Those I eliminated so far were do to being too busy or simplistic. The use of the medical cross and EKG wave is too generic and is typically used by quick clinics or places like walgreens. Please do not use these in your designs. This is why many of you got 2 starts or less. Because we are multi-specialty some of the surgeons do not like our prior use of the stethoscope(they don't use it), so try and avoid using it in the revisions of your design. If you think of a good way to use it, however, I would still like to see it. We treat individuals and family, try and think of a creative way to display that. Some of our staff still prefer a symbol or initials in the square, so continue to try variations of it. #5 I like the way you laid out the name of the clinic so that it will be easily read and appears professional. I do like the GMC in the circle, but the initials look too crowded and takes awhile to recognize them. Your use of gray with the green looks nice. #19 I don't like the swooping nature of the initials. To hard to read. #30 I like your Symbol that you created with impression of 4 people in a circle together, but be sure it's not been used elsewhere due to copyright. It seems simple enough to have been created before, but I like it. The font and layout "granger medical clinic" could be nicer. Try and avoid cursive, unless it can be easily read. Try and avoid red as color, to much like christmas red and green together. I've submitted your work for our physician focus group to also review, rank, and will have more comments tomorrow.

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