Modern Logo for New Life Church
New Life Church or NLC or both.
Contest Holder
Last Logged in : 2821days1hr ago |
Concepts Submitted
186 |
Guaranteed Prize
Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon |
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Project Finalized

Creative Brief
Modern Logo for New Life Church
New Life Church or NLC or both.
"Where Jesus and His Word are Exalted." --- Do both with or wihout the Tag line
This is for an Evangelical church. It is Welcoming, very Friendly and Open to anyone. It is Community oriented, Evangelistic, Bible based, Gospel focused, Family oriented. Appeals to people of all ages (specifically young adults under age 40). Relevant (meeting people where they are at - Real). Genuine. Authentic. Casual, informal.
Religion and Spirituality
Logo Type
Abstract Mark
Not sure how many colors, you decide but not more than 3 colors. Not sure. But, we would prefer to not have extremely bright colors. Lean more towards colors that represent new life. In addition, since we will be using this logo not just for a website but shirts, jackets, pads, booklets, stationeries, letters, etc we would like to see the logo on different shades background (from white to dark). So be creative on the color combination. We also would like the final output in different formats PNG, JPG and most specially PSD (Adobe Photoshop CC).
not sure
Please refer to an uploaded PDF file with some images and detailed description on item #12.
We want to focus on growing the church members and appeal to all demographics and most specially to people age 40 and under.
NOTE: These logos (shown inside the attached PDF) provides some of the essence we are looking for in a logo such as it is modern, simple but professional, and not very CHURCHY looking like all other church logos. However, we are not endorsing that our logo will look similar to these. We hope that this will not limit your creativity. So please provide your interpretations and do not limit your creativity.
When we say NOT VERY CHURCHY it does not have the typical straight cross, a bible, a crown dome, or building image of a church crown in the logo. Example is the cross depicted in the "tree of life" and "north point". The cross is not a typical cross you see in churches, it is modern and simple.
We want a modern logo that is appealing to young adults but not wild so it is also acceptable to older generations. It is also important that the logo emits the ESSENCE OF NEW LIFE. Our church has evolved over 35+ years and we are now embarking into a new era where we want to reach all demographics not just locally but internationally through foreign missionaries we support.
We like the simplicity of Liberty but we also like the “Tree of Life” and “NorthPoint”, it is not a CHURCHY typical logo. It has a cross but not a typical CROSS like you see in many churches or church logos. However, we are NOT ENDORSING that you copy these logos; we want to impart what we believe as modern, simple, professional, and not an old typical church. We want to see your interpretation of what you believe will provide the essence of what we are looking for.
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