Meaningful logo for healthcare provider.


Contest Holder Patricia8 ?

Last Logged in : 3470days20hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: Meaningful logo for healthcare pr ...
Industry: Medical Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 24, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 155 concepts
Winning Design by: odc69
Close Date: Sep 05, 2015

Meaningful logo for healthcare provider. - Medical

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Meaningful logo for healthcare provider.


Bridging the Gap


Should help show: a bridge that helps patients demonstrate positive outcomes. At present, docs/nurses see patients, prescribe Rx, give instructions and ask patient to follow up at a later date. Between the time that visit ends and the next visit begins, there is a huge GAP - a great divide. During that time frame, patients may or may not follow their prescribed regimen, may or may not take their medications, may or may not adhere to the doctor's instructions. They are usually uneducated about their disease, may be depressed, lack motivation for change, and make no attempt to change their lifestyle (diet, exercise, etc.) The "Ki" is a Chinese/Japanese word that says there is a balance between the positive and negative that leads to "good health." So, in a word, "ki" could be positive energy or health. KiBridge helps bridge the gap by offering counseling and further follow up between visits to the doctor so that patients can learn to be motivated and desire healthy outcomes, motivating them to work toward this goal.



Web 2.0
Web 2.0


I have always liked brighter or bolder colors. I like contrast - such as royal blue and yellow. Red is also nice. It is difficult to say

not sure

Color-wise I don't really like softer colors unless there are some bold colors in addition to them. Because the name KiBridge is unusual (but so is nike), I considered having a tagline with it; however, I decided against that.

The "ki" is not something people would fully understand, so the logo does need to convey something about what this means. For my logo, I want the "ki" to represent health/wellness and the logo is like an "action" word so it is a "health bridge" that someone is moving across. Even if people do not understand the Chinese origin, that is fine. They will soon associate it with a health bridge - a bridge that takes them over the difficulties they encounter psychosocially and keeping them from having positive outcomes when they return to their doctor. The goal is not to focus just on psychosocial issues and then send them on their way - but addressing those psychosocial issues as they RELATE TO their overall physical health as well.

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  • August 31, 2015 9:33 AM
    Patricia8 Patricia8
      Project Holder
    Okay - new discussion here! I am still struggling with finding something I really like. Many of you are re-doing your originals and I appreciate your changes. However, I do not want to see any run-of-the-mill "symbols" in my design. I am hoping someone is able to come up with some real artistic work, but something very simple. It is fine to portray the look of a bridge as long as it isn't too much. Sometimes less is best. Hope this helps! Thanks!

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  • August 26, 2015 7:12 PM
    Patricia8 Patricia8
      Project Holder
    I am still waiting on someone to come up with something very UNIQUE. Although some of these are nice, pretty, etc. they all contain things that I could put together with the right tools......does anyone out there actually do anything different or unique and draw things themselves rather than just using symbols? Still looking for some unusual and different type drawings, etc. The BRIDGE part does not have to be emphasized that much simply because the word "bridge" already tells us that. The "ki" which means "good health" is a very important part. Thanks everyone!

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  • August 26, 2015 3:43 PM
    Patricia8 Patricia8
      Project Holder
    I've given four stars for my favorites. Anyone with four stars - feel free to change the colors! I still like more vivid colors, but feel free to change them apart from my original notation and I might see something that really hits home for me. Also, feel free to change up the designs more - you don't have to just tweak these a little bit - you can do a whole different thing. I do like any theme that centers on a bridge or something where you are closing a gap, or even "conquering the great divide" but don't want too much either. #61 - I like the "circle" emphasizing the "ki" too but now don't like the colors with that. Please keep working at it. Anyone watching feel free to join in!!!!

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  • August 25, 2015 12:37 PM
    Patricia8 Patricia8
      Project Holder
    For those watching, feel free to jump in! Still liking 5, 8, 21, and 38 a lot.....

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  • August 25, 2015 10:41 AM
    Patricia8 Patricia8
      Project Holder
    Hello everyone! I have notified a few of you individually. I am in the process of revisiting some more of these. Feel free to change up the colors a bit or "add" something that you think might help. I am leaning more toward the vivid colors - very bright blues and orange or yellow. And liking the dark/bright blues with red as well! Liking what I see for #5, 6, 9, 14, 21, and 31. I have individually messaged those that are taking the design a bit further by recognizing that this is a health bridge - not an easy task to do with a logo! Thanks to everyone....I will continue to monitor! Feel free to take some time before submitting any changes. I will soon start to hide some of the ones I am ruling out just so I don't have so much on the page. Thanks everyone!

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