Logo Redesign for 9 year old fence and landscaping company

All Star Fence and and Landscaping

Contest Holder allstarfence ?

Last Logged in : 3873days9hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo Redesign for 9 year old fenc ...
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Jun 05, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 64 concepts
Winning Design by: fawwaz
Close Date: Jul 31, 2014

Logo Redesign for 9 year old fence and landscaping company - Construction

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo Redesign for 9 year old fence and landscaping company

All Star Fence and and Landscaping

Elegant Outdoor Solutions


That we are a fence and landscaping.

**ALSO** I do not need to use the tagline in the logo but I would like it to be the same font and style so I can use it sometimes.


Logo Type
Logo Type





I am open to any colors. The current colors of the logo are red, white and blue.

not sure

make it cool and kick ass but classy and professional. Yep that will do it.

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  • June 09, 2014 4:27 PM
    allstarfence allstarfence
      Project Holder
    I was really excited to see what kind of great ideas were out there. I was also excited to see some g.d step up and make great logo. So far this has been disappointing. There is only one or two OK designs. I tried to leave comments and if you designers need more direction let me know. I am expecting a big push here for someone to step up and make something awesome.

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  • June 09, 2014 4:25 PM
    allstarfence allstarfence
      Project Holder
    I was really excited to see what kind of great ideas were out there. I was also excited to see some g.d step up and make great logo. So far this has been disappointing. There is only one or two OK designs. I tried to leave comments and if you designers need more direction let me know. I am expecting a big push here for someone to step up and make something awesome.

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  • June 09, 2014 4:24 PM
    allstarfence allstarfence
      Project Holder
    I was really excited to see what kind of great ideas were out there. I was also excited to see some g.d step up and make great logo. So far this has been disappointing. There is only one or two OK designs. I tried to leave comments and if you designers need more direction let me know. I am expecting a big push here for someone to step up and make something awesome.

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  • June 09, 2014 4:22 PM
    allstarfence allstarfence
      Project Holder
    I was really excited to see what kind of great ideas were out there. I was also excited to see some g.d step up and make great logo. So far this has been disappointing. There is only one or two OK designs. I tried to leave comments and if you designers need more direction let me know. I am expecting a big push here for someone to step up and make something awesome.

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  • June 06, 2014 1:38 PM
    allstarfence allstarfence
      Project Holder
    I like the direction hat vikilogos is going with in design #1

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