Logo for the Data Science team of a pharmaceutical company
Data Science
Contest Holder
Last Logged in : 1600days19hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
222 |
Guaranteed Prize
Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon |
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Creative Brief
Logo for the Data Science team of a pharmaceutical company
Data Science
The Data Science team takes care of reporting sales and performance data and analyses the impact of certain actions (new promotional material, increased sales force activity, etc.) by using statistical methods such as regression analyses.
The logo will serve as a kind of "approved by" stamp for reports, charts and visualizations that have been done by the Data Science team. The background is that we have many reports, charts and tables that have been done by people from other departments that are in many ways not correct. In this way the logo can serve as a kind of guarantee for good quality.
Furthermore, we want to use the logo at the beginning of PowerPoint presentations and in our Business Intelligence dashboard.
It is best to use the official company colors Primary colors are: Blue : RGB (0,76,151) Red : RGB(157,34,53) Grey : RGB (99,99,99) and of course black and white. Secondary colors are: Azure : rgb(0,154,206) Burgundy : rgb (80,43,58) Indigo : rgb (47,41,81)
not sure
Official company font is "Avenir Next Lt" - but you can also use "Lato" from Google Fonts as it is free
I'm very open to different proposals. Originally I had some kind of vial in mind:
but maybe the logo can also not only be a reference to data but also to our main products which are
Ferinject (IV iron treatment) - it comes in a vial like this:
Velphoro (Phosphate binder for patients with chronic kidney disease)
Veltassa (Potassium binder)
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