Logo for spectroscopy/photonics company

MONSTR Technologies

Contest Holder ewm931 ?

Last Logged in : 1058days9hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for spectroscopy/photonics c ...
Industry: Scientific Logo
Contest Launched: Mar 11, 2018
Selected: 1 winning design from 124 concepts
Winning Design by: Sacril
Close Date: Mar 22, 2018

Logo for spectroscopy/photonics company - Scientific

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo for spectroscopy/photonics company

MONSTR Technologies


This will be the company logo on business cards, website, etc. I want it to be simple (1-2 colors on a transparent background, and a font without frills), memorable, and also hint at the science users can do with our products.

Regarding the name, MONSTR, it is an acronym that stands for Multidimensional Optical Nonlinear SpecTRometer. We've used this acronym in the scientific community for a while. It is also pronounced like monster, so feel free to put a hint of that in the logo if you think it will help make it more memorable.

I've got some ideas detailed below, but I'm very open to others.


Logo Type
Logo Type



Probably blue


Note: these are all just suggestions, and I welcome submissions that do not include these ideas as well.

I've considered ways in which hints of a monster could be inserted. One is to put very simple horns on the M in MONSTR. Another is to somehow incorporate a bigfoot footprint, though I think this may be hard to do and keep it simple.

To consider the scientific aspect I have included a graphic of one way we depict the sequence of laser pulses that our devices emit. This (or an even more simplified/stylized version) could be used as an underline or an overline.

If you want to create these pulses multiply a gaussian by a sine wave. Multiple pulses should be used (2-3), and the phase of the sine wave should not be the same for all pulses (ie the peak of the wave at the same time as the peak of the gaussian)

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  • March 12, 2018 5:20 PM
    ewm931 ewm931
      Project Holder
    Hi all, I've tried to comment on most every individual submission, but I will try to summarize my thoughts thus far: Having seen the day's submissions, I am really pleased with all the great work and creative ideas! I have found myself mostly leaning towards submissions like draft #3 that make no reference to monsters. I will admit that I really like the look of drafts #40 and #58, but unfortunately it has been brought to my attention that the eye in the logo is too reminiscent of the logo from the movie, Monsters Inc. I like the simplicity of draft #31, but the triangle is just a bit too generic to be very memorable. One other comment: I may ask some of you to alter the logo to be MONSTR Photonics. We are a young start-up with all of these domain names so we may slightly shift the company name after some months to prevent any confusion with monster companies. Any logo with "technologies" written out can be easily altered, but "tech" logos might be a little trickier.

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  • March 11, 2018 4:37 PM
    ewm931 ewm931
      Project Holder
    If it fits better with your design feel free to use "MONSTR Tech" as the text instead of "MONSTR Technologies".

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