Logo for company that offers stretching services (Fascial Stretch Therapy). Company name is Stretcht


Contest Holder stretcht ?

Last Logged in : 2919days23hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for company that offers stre ...
Industry: Health Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 26, 2017
Selected: 1 winning design from 268 concepts
Winning Design by: jackHmill
Close Date: Feb 15, 2017

Logo for company that offers stretching services (Fascial Stretch Therapy). Company name is Stretcht - Health

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for company that offers stretching services (Fascial Stretch Therapy). Company name is Stretcht


Live Long


We offer on-site stretching services. Customers can book packages, or individual sessions. Similar to personal training, but for stretching instead of strengthening. Big focus on injury prevention and mobility. We work closely with physiotherapists, and also can operate in a clinic setting.

In addition to on-site services, we provide services within a clinic called Physiohealth Studios (www.physiohealthstudios.com) and have close ties to this clinic. The logo is of similar colours.


Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Web 2.0
Web 2.0


Either a combo of colurs: black, grey or white, lime green OR Simple metallic look, no crazy colours. Examples of logos we like that fit this description are for Equinox Fitness (https://www.equinox.com) or Myodetox (https://www.myodetox.com/)


no body diagrams

logo should contain the word "stretcht" either with or without an image/logo beside it (undecided, would depend on what it looks like)

Looking for something that stands out and pops, more intense versus delicate. Strong, simple, but not subtle. We will be building the Stretcht brand, and the logo will appear on staff T-shirts/uniforms as well.

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  • February 06, 2017 11:29 AM
    stretcht stretcht
      Project Holder
    Thank you all for your designs! You are all so talented and this is going to be a very hard choice! We will be providing more individual feedback over the next couple days as we enter the home stretch!

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  • January 28, 2017 11:08 PM
    stretcht stretcht
      Project Holder
    Lets avoid using fading colour gradients as well - gives too much shine and takes away from the boldness we are looking for.

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  • January 28, 2017 10:58 PM
    stretcht stretcht
      Project Holder
    Font preference is sans serif typeface. Bold, dramatic, attention grabbing, sharp. #33, 34 - I like how you styled the E. Can we get rid of the S logo and see how it looks with just the words? And adjust "live long" so that it's more centered under Strecht. Also a couple different font variations, but keeping a similar style for the E. #9 - the font works well with your design, and I like the abstract image. It has a 3D effect that is eye catching. Could you try this with a couple different font variations for comparison? #28 - I like the symbol, its nice and simple. The font is too curvy. Could you please try with a different font? #45, 46, 47 - each individual letter is a bit too square...please show with different font variations. #2 - I like the font. #4 - I like the font for "Live Long." The S based logo is too obvious of an S. Ideally looking for something more abstract.

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  • January 28, 2017 10:19 PM
    stretcht stretcht
      Project Holder
    Thank you all for your designs. We will provide individual feedback as well, but some general comments: Due to trademark and copyright, "fascial stretch therapy" cannot be used in the logo. Regarding font, the preference is towards something bold, sharp, strong...and not too round or curvy.

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