Logo for Childcare facility

Mother's Day Out

Contest Holder Mprawl ?

Last Logged in : 4014days11hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for Childcare facility
Industry: Childcare Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 29, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 133 concepts
Winning Design by: yahoooooo
Close Date: Feb 12, 2014

Logo for Childcare facility - Childcare

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for Childcare facility

Mother's Day Out


A quality, christian childcare environment


Logo Type
Logo Type



I would like to see a color version, but whatever is designed also needs to be printable in black and white.

not sure

-stars - wondering about a star incorporated into the name or as an outline of the logo
-silhouette of children/adult
-There are times when "Mother's Day Out" is condensed to MDO...so that possibility would be appreciated
-It needs to be professional, yet childlike

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  • February 09, 2014 8:46 PM
    Mprawl Mprawl
      Project Holder
    Designers~ Thank you for your patience and willingness to help us with our new path. As you know working with a team requires a little flexibility as we work together to find the right image for our childcare. -We like the buildings best in the two most recent designs (#111 and #112). They look the most like our current logo...which brings the consistency. -We would prefer if the people looked more like real children / child and adult walking or standing... (We feel that they look a little like dancers.) -We would like to have "Mother's Day Out" written in the same size font instead of "mother" being larger? *One idea might be that the people are in the background with the city and title in the foreground. *Another idea might be to just use one or two buildings and show people walking up to it/them - giving the impression that this is one place with in a community Thank you again for your help!

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  • February 06, 2014 11:46 AM
    Mprawl Mprawl
      Project Holder
    Dear Designers~ We have met as a team and been given direction by our senior leadership to try a different route. The logos that have 4 stars are still in the running and we would like to compare them to future ideas. Thank you for your hard work and we do hope that you continue to work with us. As mentioned, the logo designs with the highest number of stars are still a possibility. The current project is for a church mother's day out that falls within our children's ministry. Last year we had a new logo designed for the children's ministry and we have been asked to see if the current project could look consistent with the logo that is created. I will try to find a place to attach the logo that we need to use as our guide. Our children's ministry is called Main Street Kids. The church website www.fbcbluesprings.org and then you can see the logo under the children/preschool page. For the Mother's Day Out logo, we would like keep the idea of an adult and child in the picture and maybe incorporate the building and the street sign if it works. Maybe the adult and child can be walking into the building. Maybe we can use one building and put Mother's Day Out across the front. The colors should go with the design that we are currently using. We look forward to seeing your ideas and thoughts... Thank you in advance!

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  • February 02, 2014 5:25 PM
    hatter hatter
    can't wait to see the unveiling

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