Logo for a Structural Engineering Firm
Lucence Consulting Engineers
Contest Holder
Last Logged in : 3313days20hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
641 |
Guaranteed Prize
Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon |
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Live Project


Project Finalized

Creative Brief
Logo for a Structural Engineering Firm
Lucence Consulting Engineers
Innovation - Safety - Quality
"Lucence" is a rare noun form of the adjective lucent, meaning glowing or illuminating. This illumination occurs when the light of correct concepts and principle are applied to solve a problem. The illumination of creative thought and ideas. A few suggestions to get things started include representations (simple) of buildings under construction, light bulbs, sun, light, efficiency, simplicity. I will make the contest public so feedback (# stars) is visible to all. I hope this does not impede creativity and result in premature convergence on a concept or a narrow range of concepts. I will likely give "5 stars" to best of several very different concepts to keep the juices flowing.
My feedback system will be the following - 0 stars: try something else; 1 star: some potential; 2 stars: more potential; 3 stars: good start, can be improved with feedback, which I will provide; 4 stars: very appealing, minor feedback to improve; 5 stars: a top candidate among 5 which may change based on the current design pool.
Would be great to include the tagline, but I understand it could clutter an otherwise great design. I suggest including it and providing an alternative without it if you believe it clutters. I any event, the tagline provides additional messages I would like to convey.
Overall, an ideal logo would not too detailed such that it cannot be easily recognized seen from a distance and yet be attractive up close, with the potential for color gradations. This is the second try with a contest for this logo. I am working 1-to-1 with the winning designer for the last contest to refine a design, but I feel like I may have converged too quickly. I am learning more about directing creative efforts, so I will refrain from suggesting a specific starting point more than I have already offered.
Good Luck!
Abstract Mark
High Tech
orange, green, red , blue, white, yellow all work, but this is just a start.
not sure
Sans-serif fonts are much preferred. Do not be afraid to mix All Caps, Title caps, and variable size. Mixed fonts are fine, but no more than 2.
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