Logo for a Real Estate company.

Moving in the right direction

Contest Holder bignard007 ?

Last Logged in : 1100days4hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a Real Estate company.
Industry: Real Estate Logo
Contest Launched: Jun 01, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 270 concepts
Winning Design by: alexnegrea
Close Date: Jun 08, 2014

Logo for a Real Estate company. - Real Estate

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for a Real Estate company.

Moving in the right direction


This logo will be the logo for the Parent company. I would like it to represent professionalism and empathy. Then there will be child companies so this logo would be present / partially present based on the company.
Example: Apros REI, LLC is the parent, the Apros REI Management Co., Apros REI Holding, LLC, Apros REI Leasing, LLC.

Real Estate

Logo Type
Logo Type

Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Web 2.0
Web 2.0

High Tech

Purple, Yellow, Blue, Red. This will be the base palet. The purpose is to contrast with nature so the signs are easy to read and do not blend in to the environment.

not sure

Looking for something unique. Would like it to represent real estate but not just a house that is the logo. Shape styles I seem to like are circles and rectangles but I'm open to creativity.

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  • June 05, 2014 8:45 PM
    bignard007 bignard007
      Project Holder
    Everyone, the designs are awesome and I'm very impressed by most of the designs submitted. I would like to mention that the logo should have the company name: Apros REI. I started to remove those without it immediately. They are being narrowed down. A lot of designs and I'm trying to comment on all of them and may take a bit of time but so far you have been great. A few key points: 1. Must be able to show that it is a real estate company by looking at the logo. Most of you are doing a great job. 2. Must be able to look good in Black & White also. 3. Must have some of the colors Red, Yellow, Blue and Purple. Most of you are doing a great job with this. Do Not use green or brown in anything. 4. Must also be professional and have a bit of simplicity. A lot of people are doing a great job with this. Regards,

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  • June 03, 2014 4:51 PM
    farrukhfayyaz2592938 farrukhfayyaz2592938
    You are type the Slogan in "TEXT DESIGN" column so every designer are confuse and everyone pick the your slogan

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  • June 02, 2014 8:04 PM
    bignard007 bignard007
      Project Holder
    A lot of nice designs. I rated them 2-3 meaning I think I see where you are going. Many people are using the slogan instead of the company name. The company name is Apros. The direction is the slogan. Most people got it now but don't make the slogan the main point as I don't want to waste anyones time. Thanks again. Company Name: Apros

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  • June 02, 2014 8:20 AM
    bignard007 bignard007
      Project Holder
    Please note that the name of the company is Apros - Moving in the right direction is the slogan. Apros is supposed to be the main part of the logo. The slogan can or does not have to be in the logo design. I would like to leave the creativity up to the artist. Also looking for modular where the Apros is able to be removed from the REI because there are going to be multiple sub companies under Apros. Like Apros REI and Apros Home Management. So I can use Apros on all of the other company logos. This will be the main logo. I am looking to create the REI business first so Apros REI is what I'm looking for. So far

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  • June 01, 2014 10:11 PM
    bignard007 bignard007
      Project Holder
    I'm also looking to possibly make the logo modular, where Apros can be separate and the other logos in the future plug into it. This is not mandatory but something I am interested in as there will be the other companies with the Apros branding.

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