Logo For a Greenhouse / Garden Center

Carlsons' Greenhouse

Contest Holder m81carlson ?

Last Logged in : 3990days15hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo For a Greenhouse / Garden Ce ...
Contest Launched: Feb 05, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 90 concepts
Winning Design by: aqvart100
Close Date: Feb 14, 2014

Logo For a Greenhouse / Garden Center - Home and Garden

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo For a Greenhouse / Garden Center

Carlsons' Greenhouse


I would like the logo to convey that we are a greenhouse and that we grow plants. I would like our name to be bold and readable, accented with foliage leaves and or plants. I would like the clipart to be some form of plant or foliage. Please NO greenhouse, house, recycling or window frame clipart.

Home and Garden



I tend to like more earthy and soft colors. A light green, like apple green will go with our current color scheme. Our new logo will be used on navy blue t-shirts and we need it to show up. We will also need to be able to print the logo using one color only(ex. on bags and boxes).


I would like the logo to be bold, elegant and rich looking. The name of our company is Carlsons' Greenhouse (apostrophe after the s). I would like the focus of the logo to be our name and then have that accented with leaves, foliage or plants in some way. Nothing cutesy and no cursive or script font. We are a family owned and operated greenhouse and retail garden center. We have been in business for over 30 years. We grow foliage plants, annuals, tropical, vegetables, mums, poinsettias and more. What we grow changes with each season therefor I do not want any foliage or plant clipart in the logo to be plant specific. Meaning I don't want the logo to convey that we only grow or specialize in one type of plant. That is the reason I believe a foliage leaf or leaves would look better than flower clipart. Our customers are families and women mostly, ages 25-65. We believe people shop with us because of our quality plants, great prices and family atmosphere. I look forward to working with you and seeing what designs you come up with. Thank You, Michele

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  • February 09, 2014 6:36 PM
    m81carlson m81carlson
      Project Holder
    #47 I like the font but the clipart is not what im looking for. #48 I like where your going with this design but i dont think the flower matches the roots.

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  • February 08, 2014 4:42 PM
    m81carlson m81carlson
      Project Holder
    Thank you for designs. #37,38,42 the images are of trees and we do not grow trees so unfortunately those wont work. Also id like to see font with a capitol C in Carlsons' and a capitol G in greenhouse, the rest all lower case letters. Can u try and use clipart that represents plants rather than trees or shrubs. Thank you.

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  • February 07, 2014 2:24 PM
    m81carlson m81carlson
      Project Holder
    Thank you again for the designs created so far. I have uploaded some images of logos and fonts that I like. I hope they help you to understand the look and feel that im going for. Please let me know if you have questions.

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  • February 07, 2014 1:13 PM
    m81carlson m81carlson
      Project Holder
    #26, 27 thank you for the new designs, I like how you used a leaf for the apostrophe. Still not exactly what I had in mind. Id like to see some different fonts, something with a little more style rather than plain block letters. Maybe our name surrounded by foliage or have foliage growing and vine around our name. #30 I like the foliage but not the placement, would like to see more designs with a contemporary look. Also some different style fonts with lower case letters. Thank you for all your designs. I will look for some logos with the look and feel I am going for and maybe that will help. Will post them soon.

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  • February 06, 2014 12:40 PM
    m81carlson m81carlson
      Project Holder
    Thank you for all the designs that have created so far. However they are not exactly what I'm looking for. #1,2,5,6,7,8,9 & 10 unfortunately I do not like the look of cursive or script font. I would like to see some different fonts with upper and lower case letters. # 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 again I am not looking for a logo that has any kind of house structure or window frame in it. I would like to see some different fonts (no cursive please) and some creative uses of foliage, leaves and plants. I would like the logo to convey that we grow plants, flowers and foliage. Thank you for all your designs, I cant wait to see what else you come up with.

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  • February 06, 2014 9:23 AM
    AbsolutMudd AbsolutMudd
    Project Holder, Please check private message (Top-right link: 'Messages'). Thank you.

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