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Logo for a faith-based nonprofit serving orphans and widows in Africa


Contest Holder donnahandley ?

Last Logged in : 3885days2hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a faith-based nonprofit ...
Contest Launched: Apr 04, 2014
Selected: 1 winning design from 78 concepts
Winning Design by: mnorth
Close Date: Apr 10, 2014

Logo for a faith-based nonprofit serving orphans and widows in Africa - Religion and Spirituality

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for a faith-based nonprofit serving orphans and widows in Africa


Acts of Compassion Through Service; also possibly the verse I John 3:16-18


The logo will represent a faith-based nonprofit that serves the needs of orphans and widows in Tanzania, Africa. We are building residential orphanages so that children have a place to live and have basic food, clothing, and shelter needs provided, and we will also provide health and education services to them. Widows will also be served as they assist with the children and are provided a place to live as well. Service to these orphans and widows is based upon a faith-based desire to serve and show them God's love.
The nonprofit will exist to raise funds to support this work for now in Tanzania, Africa. But may include other places in Africa in the future.

Religion and Spirituality

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark



Tanzania colors are green and yellow but not sure about having these in the logo. We are open to other colors, perhaps red or blue but open to others

not sure

One thought of the logo we had was to have the outline of the country of Africa as the background, with the country of Tanzania highlighted in a color that stands out. Then have ACTS across the logo somehow with the “t” that is somewhat different and looks like a Christian cross. But open to other ideas as well. Tanzania colors are green and yellow but we are not sure that these will look best. Open to red or blue, and would prefer to stick to 2-3 colors for the logo so we can transfer it well to print on shirts and for stationery.

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  • April 07, 2014 6:02 PM
    artsie9324 artsie9324
    I was looking to enter this contest but see that it is now unveiled and others are already cheating by using someone else's concept. Designers... think of your own design. And sorry Project Holder, but you will get less creativity and fewer designers to participate now that you unveiled. Best of Luck!

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  • April 07, 2014 10:07 AM
    donnahandley donnahandley
      Project Holder is a link to the website that is also in development with another idea we had originally as a logo but we are focusing on more of Africa now instead of just Tanzania and don't want to limit the logo to only Tanzania. The background color on the website may change so it isn't locked to the current background color. Thanks again for the ideas.

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  • April 07, 2014 9:52 AM
    donnahandley donnahandley
      Project Holder
    Thank you so much, these are some great ideas and concepts! One general comment is that we would like to be sure that the logo itself is transparent so that it can be put on top of any color (for ex on our website) so if that can help in framing what types of colors etc are in the background that is helpful. Here are specific comments based on the ideas submitted to help move forward: So far really like the fingerprint concept in #14 - Take the person off the cross - Like the font of ACTS - be sure the background behind the fingerprint and in Africa are able to be transparent, like the light color, or maybe a gray? Not sure please put what you think looks good. - Like Tanzania standing out, but maybe another color besides red - Not sure about putting the word Tanzania across the country, but think it may be good to include so people know what it is, so if you can come up with some additional ideas/fonts, etc for this it would be great. - Not sure about the font and the way the wording below the fingerprint looks. Maybe try and circle the wording around the fingerprint? Or try different fonts? And maybe keep the wording a consistent color? Really like the concept in #8 as well. Only thought would be to ask about filling in the cross in the background and make the T look like a cross #7 - like how the T is used as a cross #9, 10, 11, 12 - like the global idea but we are thinking the fonts and boldness of it may look too corporate for what we are thinking and what we will be putting on the website. On the website we will have pics of African children, more of an earthy rustic feel and the primary things we are providing for them are basic shelter, food, clothing, and also education and healthcare, clean water. So the fonts may need to reflect that as well? Thanks so much for your time and work on this! Can't wait to see next steps and ideas!

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  • April 07, 2014 5:12 AM
    lam171988 lam171988
    Feedback would be appreciated very much so as to provide you with better logos.

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  • April 06, 2014 1:48 AM
    mnorth mnorth
    This is a veiled contest. Please give private feedback by clicking on the small envelope icon over everyone's design. Thanks

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