Logo for a Christmas Product wholesaler


Contest Holder craftcorp ?

Last Logged in : 4482days22hrs ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo for a Christmas Product whol ...
Contest Launched: Oct 11, 2012
Selected: 1 winning design from 64 concepts
Winning Design by: mdsgrafix
Close Date: Oct 18, 2012

Logo for a Christmas Product wholesaler - Gifts and Occasions

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo for a Christmas Product wholesaler


Presents Christmas


We are a large importer and wholesaler of mainly Christmas products such as wrapping paper, tinsel, Christmas crackers, Christmas tableware etc…. We supply B2B (business to business) and have been established for many years.
We want a modern yet traditional (Christmas is all about Tradition), clean and professional logo to represent our brand and company.

Gifts and Occasions

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


A lot of time we print our logo on a red background so it has to have a different colour border (like Black).

not sure

We don’t want a cute or a novelty logo.

New logo design – One of our ideas is to have our brand name and tag line inside a gift tag shape. Tag should have a strong black border, and the inside colour red. The text should be in white.

Text should read ‘Craftcorp’ (quite bold) with the tagline ‘presents Christmas’. As it is a gift tag maybe the font for the tagline could look hand written etc?
Maybe use a snowflake image as a background in the tag? As long as the text is still easy to read.
This is one of our ideas, but we would like to see some other creative options.
We will be using the LOGO as a business card, web, print logo etc.
We look forward to seeing your ideas.

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  • October 14, 2012 9:07 PM
    craftcorp craftcorp
      Project Holder
    Thanks everyone for the designs! mdsgrafix #34 - This is our clear favorite at the moment. Simple, punchy and professional. Can you please show us the following variations? a) Change the tree and the swoosh to green. Maybe with a gradient to give it some texture or depth? b) After you have done a), pls also show this logo on a plain white background with the text in red. c) The whole logo in solid black on white background. Thanks, we look forward to seeing this.

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  • October 14, 2012 9:02 PM
    craftcorp craftcorp
      Project Holder
    Thanks everyone for the designs! mdsgrafix #34 - This is our clear favorite at the moment. Simple, punchy and professional. Can you please show us the following variations? a) Change the tree and the swoosh to green. Maybe with a gradient to give it some texture or depth? b) After you have done a), pls also show this logo on a plain white background with the text in red. c) The whole logo in solid black on white background. Thanks, we look forward to seeing this.

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  • October 13, 2012 4:49 PM
    craftcorp craftcorp
      Project Holder
    Thanks everyone for all your designs. Actually we seem to be preferring the designs that are not in the gift card concept (which we came up with)! But we are having a meeting tomorrow to discuss all of these and will comment after that. ZKbrand #22 - Could you please change the blue colours to a bright / bold red (not the almost terracotta colour in your other images). Then we would just use the plain black version when printing on a red background. Also we would prefer a simpler stylized snowflake. The one you are using doesn't quite fit with the rest of the logo. We are not sure if the font you are using for Presents Christmas would be easy to read when the logo is smaller? Would be good to see ideas with different fonts? Fixdesign#21 - We really like this as well. Simple and elegant. The script font for presents christmas will be too hard to read when the logo is reduced in size. Could you change the font, and /or increase the size and spacing, maybe so it lines up with the C and P in 'Craftcorp'?

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  • October 12, 2012 2:27 PM
    craftcorp craftcorp
      Project Holder
    Thanks for all your designs so far. Some comments. zkbrand - really liking your 'christmas present' idea. The text /bow would be better in a bright red colour but would present problems when we print on a red background :) Could just use the black version in that case. fixdesign - the logo will be used on red and white backgrounds so yours won't work. Don't really like the reindeer sorry. 1800crybaby - your designs are too bright and 'cute'. tikiri - #6 like this shape and the snowflake in the O. But prefer the background in #4. mdsgraphix and arindam - thanks for showing us what our idea looks like. some of these looks good. Will wait for more designs and then will give more detailed feedback.

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  • October 12, 2012 12:07 PM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Attention Designers!! MycroBurst permits you to submit unlimited designs with unlimited variations. However, if you are providing 2 or 3 different color versions of the same logo in one draft, please make sure that if the particular draft gets finalized, each color version should be separated before you will send the final files. Thanks, MB/LDG/LS Team

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