Logo for a Christian T-shirt Company
Kamikaze Disciple
Contest Holder
Last Logged in : 4288days15hrs ago |
Concepts Submitted
46 |
Guaranteed Prize
Winner(s) | A Logo, Monogram, or Icon |
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Creative Brief
Logo for a Christian T-shirt Company
Kamikaze Disciple
This is a design for a Christian T-Shirt Company. The shirt designs will reflect different Christian Charities and will be sold and proceeds will go to these charities. The logo needs to convey "Christian" / "Jesus" / "Christ" / "God" / "Cross" aka Disciple - a follower or student of Jesus Christ. Also something that conveys a sold out follower, aka kamikaze,
The Japanese word ‘kamikaze’ translates as ‘divine wind’ or if you will 'God Wind'. During the Second World War, Japanese pilots were trained to fly their planes into Allied war ships. These young soldiers put themselves in the service of their god, Emperor Hirohito. There desire to serve him cost them their lives. Their planes were laden with explosives and had a devastating impact on the target. The pilot left on his mission knowing that if he were successful, his life would be sacrificed.
In parts of the world today suicide bombers lay down their lives as an act of divine vengeance on their enemies. These are people who will die for a cause they believe to be greater than their own life.
The call of Jesus to lay down our lives is distinctly different from these other suicide missions. In acts of war and aggression a life is sacrificed in order to destroy other lives and property.
In the suicide mission of Jesus, the disciple lays down their life in non-violence and lives again to empty themselves for the sake of God’s Kingdom. This is living a Kamikaze call lifestyle for God's kingdom. We are Divine Wind Disciples. And each time we die for the cause, we live to die another day.
Please check out this video:
Or Google "Kamikaze Disciple" for the video.
Religion and Spirituality
Abstract Mark
not sure
This is an example of a competitor Christian T shirt Company logo. Google: Kerusso T-Shirt Company
Would love a tag line like Kerusso "Change your Shirt Change the World" This is a competitors tag line.