Logo Design - Linchpin Technologies

Linchpin Technologies, LLC

Contest Holder LPTech ?

Last Logged in : 5134days47mins ago

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo Design - Linchpin Technologi ...
Industry: Internet Services Logo
Contest Launched: Jul 06, 2010
Selected: 1 winning design from 90 concepts
Winning Design by: nicos
Close Date: Jul 16, 2010

Logo Design - Linchpin Technologies - Internet Services

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

Logo Design - Linchpin Technologies

Linchpin Technologies, LLC

Where innovation and execution meet


Linchpin Technologies is an innovation consulting firm specializing in software solutions that transform a company’s value proposition into real business advantage.

We provide organizations that have entrepreneurial drive with the technology, experience, and professional guidance to propel their business into the next growth phase.
We help our clients propel their companies into their next growth phase by creating business advantage through innovative software products and services

Our innovation consultants have deep experience in a wide variety of industries and technology applications. They work closely with our clients to understand their business, the industry in which they compete, the target customer and the competition so that together we can formulate and launch the right business solution.

This approach is what we have branded the “Innovation Pathway”

There is a book out by Seth Godin titled "Linchpin", that is where the company name originates from. The concept in the book is to transform oneself and one's job into art no matter what you do. We do the same thing for a business, moving them past the ordinary or even very good to remarkable.

Internet Services


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Web 2.0
Web 2.0

not sure

Would possible like to see something along the art deco style perhaps, like Nick Gaetano. But, I am completely open to letting the art take shape by itself.

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  • July 19, 2010 2:28 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Congratulations! nicos, Project holder has selected your design #71 as Winner. Thanks to all the designers for their creativity and hard work.

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  • July 16, 2010 6:12 PM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    Thanks to all of the designers that contributed to our project. We really appreciate your willingness to share your art with us. You are all very talented and the decision was not easy. Thanks again!

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  • July 13, 2010 2:52 PM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    All, One last thought on the tag line and we are sorry for the change again. But, we would like to see "Connecting Innovation with Execution" as another option. It is shorter and simpler, and still says the same thing. Thank you all very much for your continued effort. All of the designs are looking great and sparking a lot of visits to the comp page and conversation on the side.

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  • July 13, 2010 10:04 AM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    Thanks again for all of the great work. We are considering making a change to the tag line. The new line is "The Connection Between Innovation and Execution" We feel this further describes the idea of a "Linchpin".

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  • July 12, 2010 11:20 AM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    Thank you all very much for your continued participation. We are going to extend the contest in order to gain feedback from a greater audience and to allow for a few more entries/modifications. We are launching a brief campaign to get outside opinion so all of your designs will be seen by others as well. Maybe more work to come! Thank you all for your art!

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  • July 11, 2010 8:47 PM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    We still like the font treatment in #1 that best. The P is what really stands out in that font.

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  • July 11, 2010 8:45 PM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    Thanks to all that have contributed. We really appreciate all of the concepts. We have went through an eliminated a few that we believed to not be really what we were looking for. On designs #6 & #7, can we see something like the current symbol but without the star at the top. We appreciate the illustration of #17 being inline with the suggestion from the brief, however, we are wondering if there is anyway to actually incorporate something like that better into the whole design. It seems to be standing a bit by itself. On #18 and #19, would it be possible to see these with all of the colors being percentages of the dark blue color. We are trying to determine if it would be possible to do a design like this as a one color job for print. Not that that is a requirement.

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  • July 09, 2010 3:00 PM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    Thanks for the new submission. We like the direction of the circular symbol in #4 and the addition of the tag line. In general we like the lettering/font treatment of #1 and #3, in that order the best. Hope that helps. Please let us know if we can provide any further feedback to help things along.

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  • July 09, 2010 9:09 AM
    LPTech LPTech
      Project Holder
    Thanks to all of the early submissions! We like the general direction that all of you have taken. In regards to the symbols in designs #3 and #2, we would like to see something that has more of a circular feel to it. Possibly some type of symbol that represents a pathway. For design #1, we like the simple approach but would like to see some other supporting symbol or illustration as well. Thank you all very much.

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