Logo design for Personal Touch Engraving, LLC

Personal Touch Engraving, LLC

Contest Holder ptecreations ?

Last Logged in : 4789days3hrs ago

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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers.

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo design for Personal Touch En ...
Contest Launched: Dec 12, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 39 concepts
Winning Design by: neonlite
Close Date: Dec 19, 2011

Logo design for Personal Touch Engraving, LLC - Gifts and Occasions

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo design for Personal Touch Engraving, LLC

Personal Touch Engraving, LLC

Simple Made Extraordinary


Personal Touch Engraving, LLC is a company that provides laser cutting and laser engraving for customers who are looking for personalized, unique touches to their gifts and celebrations. Our product lines include laser cut invitations, cupcake wrappers, luminaries, greeting cards, favor boxes, and gift tags, as well as marble, leather, wood, and tile that is laser engraved with customers' photos.

Gifts and Occasions


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


The colors we like are a light, warm browns, and rich deep purples. However, we are open to other color palette ideas that reflect what we want to convey to our customers - warm, sophisticated, inviting.

not sure

We do not have a website yet, but our web address is ptecreations.com, if that helps at all. Because we are a brand new company starting from scratch, our logo design will be the basis for all of our branding. We would like to stay away from the use of any sort of characters, and we don't want anything too complicated. Colors we do not want in our logo are orange, green and red.

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  • December 18, 2011 12:18 PM
    ptecreations ptecreations
      Project Holder
    Great work everyone! We can't think of any more changes we'd like to see, so now it's just down to making a decision. We'd like to thank you for all the hard work and time you've put in to designing a new logo for us. We appreciate it! Good luck!

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  • December 17, 2011 8:05 PM
    ptecreations ptecreations
      Project Holder
    #21 - LOVE IT! Can we add our tagline "Simple Made Extraordinary" please? I'd like to see what that looks like. #18 - Awesome! Can we make the box a little bigger (so we can see the pretty confetti detail better), and make the tagline just a tiny bit smaller? Thank you, We're getting very close!

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  • December 16, 2011 2:32 PM
    ptecreations ptecreations
      Project Holder
    #9 - Love the box, the font, and colors - Great job! We'd like to see the design with the following changes: (1) alternate layout with the box to the left of the text; (2) change the color of the tagline to the brown you used in the star graphic; (3) eliminate the line under the word 'engraving' and move "LLC" to that space instead; (4) we prefer the font you used for the business name in #11 as it's a bit easier to read. We would also like to see the design with the box graphic a bit smaller or the text a bit larger - basically a different proportion. #13 - Love the hand graphic and would like to see another option or two with that same idea, perhaps the hand holding a gift or touching something to play off of the "personal touch" idea. We like the purple color but would also like to see it paired with a warmer color, like perhaps a shade of brown instead of the blue. #15 - We like the gift graphic, but would like to see it with only one of the 'person' abstracts, and maybe a different shape. Would also like to see the purple paired with a rich brown color instead of pink. Overall, great job everyone and thanks so much for taking the time to create for us!

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