Logo Design for Construction Company

Tactical Construction Group

Contest Holder sbsbranding ?

Last Logged in : 1666days5hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Prize Money


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest.

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Project Finalized

Project: Logo Design for Construction Comp ...
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Apr 21, 2020
Selected: 1 winning design from 586 concepts
Winning Design by: anyaa
Close Date: May 18, 2020

Logo Design for Construction Company - Construction

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Logo Design for Construction Company

Tactical Construction Group


-Construction company performing remodels, renovations, additions, new construction, and roofing for both commercial and residential buildings.
-No project too big or too small
-Patriotic, all American (Military background – we carry military mindsets (refuse to lose, failure is not an option, always faithful, ethical, integrity, etc.)


Logo Type
Logo Type

Web 2.0
Web 2.0

Not sure, you decide

not sure

We are a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. Owners are both service-disabled veterans. They like military theme

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  • May 05, 2020 9:09 AM
    Hi PH, Please check your "Massage Inbox" Top right corner.. Thank you

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  • April 25, 2020 11:57 PM
    sbsbranding sbsbranding
      Project Holder
    95: I like the layout, clean and simple but attractive. I like the colors too. Need to include something that likens back to commercial construction to make it multi-segmented. 134: is almost exactly what I outlined in proviso feedback. So not sure if that is a response or not, but I really like this one. I’d remove the color gradient in the name, and keep it on the building only. 143 is clean and simple as well. But it feels like I have seen that one as somebody else’s logo. Not a big fan of the overtly / over the top militaristic ones. Too much flag, chevrons, soldier, etc. Feels too ‘pigeon-holed’ and not corporate enough. #32 and 134 are probably my favorite two at this point.

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  • April 25, 2020 11:53 PM
    sbsbranding sbsbranding
      Project Holder
    General notes: The three building stack (like in #1) is very similar to my old company and I don't want link to them to avoid any similarities. (#70 is almost identical. (Research Foresight Construction Group so you can see what I am referring to) I don't care for the chevrons in any of the designs. It likens too much to military rank, which wins or loses people before you get a word out. I'm finding the Red, white and blue on many of them almost feels like overkill. The designs with just houses make it feel too residential, and pull away from any federal / institutional work. (Might make the buyer question our focus with a house in the logo.) Comments on ones I liked and what I liked about them: 7: Like the font, and the simple logo, but would prefer it included the letters somehow. 11: I really liked this one, but would prefer a house with buildings behind it to include the commercial side. 28: Liked that layout, but didn’t necessarily like the red color. (This is the house / building idea I liked on a number of the layouts) 32: might be my favorite layout. Clean and simple with the TCG logo. 33: Due to similarity to 32, I really liked this one too, and feels like one that could be improved to be really strong. 54, 56, 57, 58: I liked all of these, but not necessarily the building stack used behind the house. Not a fan of the color gradient, but liked these layouts. 68: I liked this one, maybe adding building stack behind it? 69. I like the TACTICAL font, one that could be worked to be stronger. 77: Clean and sleek layout, maybe add a building as the L to liken the commercial side? 88: I really like this one, with removing all the windows (house and high-rise) and delete the birds. I like the color gradient on the high rise as well. I would like to see this one in other color options - maybe blue/gray/black, and whatever you suggest.

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