Kelly Moss Road and Race / KMR

Kelly Moss

Contest Holder kmracing ?

Last Logged in : 3421days20hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


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A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Kelly Moss Road and Race / KMR
Industry: Automotive Logo
Contest Launched: Nov 09, 2015
Selected: 1 winning design from 286 concepts
Winning Design by: Sacril
Close Date: Nov 16, 2015

Kelly Moss Road and Race / KMR - Automotive

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Kelly Moss Road and Race / KMR

Kelly Moss

Road and Race


The name of the company is currently Kelly Moss Motorsports. We are looking to change the way people identify with our company by the name. Now many people do not understand that we are both an auto racing team and perform automotive repairs for their road going cars as well. The word Motorsports over the years has come to be more widely used to describe non automotive types of business like snowmobile, ATV and motorcycle sales. We primarily race Porsche cars and would consider having a Porsche 991 Cup car shape as part of the design, but when finished it is important we have a clean and uncluttered visual image that can be recognized from a distance and will also become our standard look. It is important that this can be used for embroidery as well without having a super high stitch count. Our colors are blue - white and red traditionally, but do not want American flag themes built into the logo. There is an old and very well known Porsche racing company called Andial Road and Racing that can be seen to show a simple look that worked for them many years ago. They incorporated the German flag colors and their name. We might use those colors and our red, white and blue together or separate, but that is not a requirement.

Key points - clean, uncluttered look, recognizable from far away as in "a race car viewed while racing on track", practical to use for embroidery (lower stitch count), a true brand identity, use our colors. In addition we have been known in the business for many years as KMR "Kelly Moss Racing" and this still works with Kelly Moss Road and Race and I would like to consider a component of KMR still in the logo. a more horizontal layout would work better than vertical for our needs.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Web 2.0
Web 2.0


red, white and blue

not sure

I like the use of initials KMR, but I struggle with a design getting too busy if we have that and the name Kelly Moss with Road and Race under it as a tag line. It might work to have both, but not sure. People in the racing world will always refer to us as KMR or Kelly Moss Racing, but we really have no common understanding of who we are or what we do beyond this with others not in the racing world. The logo for Alex Job Racing "AJR" is a stylized logo with red, white and blue colors and their initials. A version of this look for KMR with Kelly Moss Road and Race built into it could be cool?

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  • November 16, 2015 8:41 PM
    Sacril Sacril
    Please check private messages (top right link).

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  • November 09, 2015 11:40 PM
    inzdesign inzdesign
    Is this same project ?

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  • November 09, 2015 6:31 PM
    kmracing kmracing
      Project Holder
    The words Road and Race need to be on the same line. Kelly Moss (not Kelly Mosy) on the line under the initials and more prominent than the Road and Race. I don't love the font of the KMR, but it is going in the right direction.

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  • November 09, 2015 6:17 PM
    kmracing kmracing
      Project Holder
    I think for a first draft it looks interesting, however the name is Kelly Moss Road and Race - the "and Race" does not appear on your logo?

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