Ironwood Refurbishing LLC


Contest Holder maddinsanity ?

Last Logged in : 4905days2hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Ironwood Refurbishing LLC
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 23, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 144 concepts
Winning Design by: aestheticsBG
Close Date: Sep 06, 2011

Ironwood Refurbishing LLC - Construction

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Ironwood Refurbishing LLC



I am looking for a Logo design for my Company Ironwood Refurbishing.

I refinish/renew existing wood floors and cabinets. The process is one of cleaning the wood to remove foreign substances (wax, oils. etc) and etching the surface of the wood to prepare it to receive a new finish.

I can change the color of the cabinets or leave them the original color. Damaged finish such as peeling/flaking, loss of color, sun fading and water damage are all repaired and made to look new. I apply a commercial polyurethane finish to seal in and protect the wood from future damage.

The process is nearly dustless and odor free. No harmful chemicals and or fumes. Floors can be used hours after completion not days.

This process is substantially less expensive than refacing or replacement. Turn around on cabinets is usually 2-5 days.

The process is essentially the same for wood floors or any wood item. Tables, Chairs etc. Floors are a 1 day process most the time.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Web 2.0
Web 2.0


I have no specific colors in mind. I do want it to show on a darker background. Blue perhaps. And no color combinations of purple/yellow or yellow/green. Haha. I am a Chicago Bears fan I couldn't wear anything that looks similar to rivals colors.

not sure

I am looking to be able to put this logo on Hats and shirts. Likely on vehicles too. I would be fond of a design that can combine letters of Ironwood into a recognizable Logo. I and W perhaps. something along the lines of baseball or football teams. Yet I would still like the name Ironwood written underneath or otherwise displayed.

I am also not opposed to using the full Ironwood name.

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  • September 06, 2011 6:17 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    We have selected a winner for this project. Draft #139 is the draft we decided to go with. Thanks everyone for the participation and excellent work.

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  • September 05, 2011 11:13 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    I wanted to thank everyone for their participation in this project. I was very pleased with all the many designs submitted. I have narrowed the field of entries down considerably. Though tough to decided a winner out of all those submitted, I think we are almost there in picking the winning draft.

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  • September 03, 2011 1:28 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    Looks like project will go another three days. I have rated some of these drafts at a 5 now. these are the designs we are heavily leaning towards. Numbers 102,93,97,59,21,22 and variations on those are the top rated as of now.

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  • September 01, 2011 9:44 AM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    I have been unable to review the most recent drafts. I should be able to sit down with my business partner later today to rate those.

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  • August 30, 2011 9:53 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    I tried to rate and eliminate submitted drafts. There are some drafts that I am undecided on at the moment. Please don't withdraw your proposals. There are drafts that have grown on me the more I review them. I love some of the writing, I am however decided on wanting an actual Logo in addition to the Ironwood name. The browns/silvers are great. I think I'm happy going forward with those colors. Tho I'm not opposed to seeing other combinations still. I've extended the project a few days in part due to terrific designs. Your all making it tough to choose one design. I like that though. I like the choices and variety, please keep up the great work.

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  • August 30, 2011 9:10 AM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    I am going to be unable to review designs until later in the day.

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  • August 29, 2011 8:35 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    I think I'm going to try to extend this project a few more days. I need some more time to narrow the drafts down, and perhaps see some more proposals.

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  • August 27, 2011 8:38 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    Really liking what I see. Thank you all for your designs so far they are looking good. I like the slight color shading in design #'s 15, 13, 12,11, and 9. Also like the darker background in #9. I would still like to see what the design would look like on a grey, blue or black background, and with different typeface. Again thank you for your efforts they are much appreciated, and they are looking good, keep up the great work.

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  • August 26, 2011 7:15 PM
    maddinsanity maddinsanity
      Project Holder
    I wanted to commend the efforts of everyone involved in this so far. I appreciate your efforts and designs. As to those designs currently submitted I like the separation in colors between Iron and wood. Continue with that theme. Not sold on the green in #8 tho I do like the concept. I wouldn't mind seeing some different color options all around if possible. I'm feeling maybe the lettering is perhaps too simplistic. Maybe some Gothic typeface? Calligraphy styles? Like the letter blend in #7. Maybe I could see "refurbishing" in small letters incorporated underneath "Ironwood" Not yet decided on a design, I'd like to see some more ideas and carry on a few more days. Again thank you for your efforts they are much appreciated.

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