If you gave me one dollar dot com


Contest Holder ifyougavemeonedollardotcom ?

Last Logged in : 5049days10hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Expedite Expedite Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: If you gave me one dollar dot com
Industry: Fund Raising Logo
Contest Launched: Aug 25, 2010
Selected: 1 winning design from 20 concepts
Winning Design by: raindesign
Close Date: Sep 01, 2010

If you gave me one dollar dot com - Fund Raising

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

If you gave me one dollar dot com


"Be the change you wish to see in the world"


ifyougavemeonedollar.com is an idea based on change. The world we live in today is fuelled by mass media and marketing lies and propaganda. Our idea is to create a company that raises money from the people for the people in the form of educational, creative and informative film projects that speak truth about topics such as Health and Wellness, Diets, Global warming, Animal extinction. Our enviromental footprint etc. There is not enough being done to speak truth to the people because there is simply no money it. ifyougavemeonedollar.com will be the vehicle for change and inspire people to make better choices for themselves and the environment in which we live.

Please note we do not have huge amounts of money to start this, based on what I have seen on this site there are some amazing designers that will come up with a great logo. If you win you will be part of acheiving something that will be great. Even though we can only afford $200 at this stage we hope you are inspired enoigh by our concept to help make it a reality and give it a unique and creative mark.

Fund Raising


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Web 2.0
Web 2.0


Be creative.


We need a logo to sum up the entire idea of the project aswell a way of presenting the text as a logo. We were thinking of using the words DOT COM in the logo as appose to .com as the website.

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  • May 04, 2011 10:47 AM
    SiteAdmin SiteAdmin
    Announcement: Project Holder has not selected a contest winner within 15 days, therefore MycroBurst will announce the winner and award prize according to "MB Contest Policy". We are proud to announce 'Raindesign' as Primary winner for "Draft #3" and "IIecoII" as secondary winner for "Draft#20". All of the designs submitted were good, and it was hard to pick just one winner. Good Luck in your next contest!

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  • October 03, 2010 3:17 PM
    pentacreative24 pentacreative24
    GUARANTEED PROJECTS. In case the project is a Question: Guaranteed project, as a buyer, and should you fail to select a final winner and approve of the prize release (that is, authorizing us to release the funds from escrow to the designer winner) by giving final approval of the winning design within 10 business days then MycroBurst.com reserves the right to release the funds to the first two top ranked designers or otherwise select a final prize winner. Does this mean anything??? Or is it just talk?

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  • August 28, 2010 7:58 PM
    aleeshan aleeshan
    the download materials can not be seen??

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  • August 26, 2010 6:42 PM
    ifyougavemeonedollardotcom ifyougavemeonedollardotcom
      Project Holder
    I have uploaded a bunch of images to the design brief that should give any designer a solid idea of what we are after and hopefully some magic will be entered.

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