Great Investment with Conservation of Land at Heart

Green Rock

Contest Holder moble007 ?

Last Logged in : 2674days19hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries are veiled from other designers till the end of the contest. Featured Featured Contest

Live Project




Project Finalized

Project: Great Investment with Conservatio ...
Industry: Real Estate Logo
Contest Launched: Oct 24, 2017
Selected: 1 winning design from 873 concepts
Winning Design by: win88
Close Date: Nov 08, 2017

Great Investment with Conservation of Land at Heart - Real Estate

Awarded as a winner
Project Report    

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Creative Brief

Great Investment with Conservation of Land at Heart

Green Rock


We are a conservation company but also an investment in real estate. We primarily invest in aggregate mining deals. We want investor clients and the Broker Dealer community to see us as a friendly, steadfast, partner. One that will be there for decades to come no matter what the industry brings our way. We want potential new clients to realize that you can make a good investment that is also great for the environment. We don't want to isolate those who are purely "Green" investors or those who are focused, clever, investors. We do want to convey the environmental, mining, or real estate focus of the company. We realize we will have to go one direction or the other with those industries, but right now, we are not quite sure. We give you creative license to experiment. We just want a really, really cool logo!

Real Estate

Logo Type
Logo Type


Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark

Web 2.0
Web 2.0


Green,Light Green,Orange, Not really sure but we do like green - you decide though

not sure

Simple clean design with earth imagery: rock, trees, water, plant life, grass, fish, etc. We really like logos that are just fonts with a cool and interesting twist (like Google, Apple, FedEx, Puma, Bravo, slack, Boys & Girls Club, etc.) A logo in addition to the font may be fine as well. We really like the idea of a tree growing out of the Green Rock lettering.

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  • October 30, 2017 11:53 AM
    moble007 moble007
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, I did not realize that "un-vailing" the project would make people withdraw their logo submissions. In honesty, I really didn't think about how it could be a negative thing. It was sold to me as a "positive" from the website sales people. I have instructed them to "Vail" the project again. Again, I am sorry that I un-vailed the project in the first place. I have been told that the project has been "vailed" again, so please un-withdraw your submissions. Some of the designs that are now withdrawn were our favorites. Again sorry for all this. It was due to my ignorance of how the contest and website works. Sorry again!

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  • October 29, 2017 6:29 PM
    j4mycro j4mycro
    Dear CH I hope you do not comment / compare on the designs one by one on this board, because I think this is very unfair, other designers can easily modify they have, but designs that are commented on by you will feel at a disadvantage, because their ideas are stolen by others, if you want to comment on the design give them personal comment not on this board

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  • October 29, 2017 12:23 PM
    1adiman 1adiman
    of vanilogos concepts, #113, #114, #248, #250, nice but are copied by Cascade Logo by Adam Dutton on Jul 23, 2012,

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  • October 28, 2017 3:44 AM
    plaza1916 plaza1916
    Hi, CH and Hi every body #358, Project discussion; it is a good forum to share; work it out so the CH will have a "trophy" also. It is a rare project in here and i wish lots of days in the future will be lots of project also that unveiled like this. ...I am ex silk screen printing artist, i am associated with youngsters at my 40 years old and it is fun; always happy moment; to produce a design materials and shirts; we never think about catching up the money for our lives. Graphics design business is a huge business and lots of money will always investing in this it and has a faster system than fine arts business so we never worry or affraid to have runs dried money in our pocket. So when this can be a fun things to do and lets our mind / ideas free "to Fly" and seek something new or cool though for a classic themes, we'll do it. else i am sorry i cannot let my soul being jailed. And it is already a seriouse business and works. when it is about green valley and big stone of rocky mountains......i propose buffalo idea to get involved to bring a little space opened in our mind and welcome to our's kindegarten world of graphics designs. pardon me for mistakes i have made, and may God blessing us with kiddies soul and child's way of thinks in our old bodies.

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  • October 27, 2017 6:13 PM
    moble007 moble007
      Project Holder
    Since everyone can see all of the designs so far, I will let you know which ones I like OR which ones I feel like are headed in the right direction, so you all can work with that. For the most part, I would love to see some of the previous fonts that I have shown interest in with a Rock and Leaf logo. I really like that combo. #355 & #354 – I love the incorporation of the leaf and the rock – perfect – however, I’m not crazy about the font or how the whole logo feels so isolated or spacious #318 – Cool logo with a rock looking design that is green – maybe try more things like that. The font and the star pattern at the bottom is not my favorite #280 – I really like the clever combination of the mountain and the leaf. It kind of feels a little soft, and we are really trying to convey strength – I’m sorry I can’t be more specific on that part #264 – Clever logo #248 – This has been one of our favorites, but I’m not sure the mountains here do a good job representing who we are. We really like the “strength” of this logo and I like the font #148 – Really cool logo – not crazy about the font but it does match the logo – maybe if the logo background looked more like a rock or a stone and a different more classic font? #108 – We like this one a lot too – Only trouble here is whether or not the leaves in the logo will come out if we are getting things embroidered #99 – Love the logo – not really the “O” in Rock – also, it would be really cool if we could incorporate a rock or stone in the design somehow #15 – Love the font

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  • October 27, 2017 6:13 PM
    moble007 moble007
      Project Holder
    Since everyone can see all of the designs so far, I will let you know which ones I like OR which ones I feel like are headed in the right direction, so you all can work with that. For the most part, I would love to see some of the previous fonts that I have shown interest in with a Rock and Leaf logo. I really like that combo. #355 & #354 – I love the incorporation of the leaf and the rock – perfect – however, I’m not crazy about the font or how the whole logo feels so isolated or spacious #318 – Cool logo with a rock looking design that is green – maybe try more things like that. The font and the star pattern at the bottom is not my favorite #280 – I really like the clever combination of the mountain and the leaf. It kind of feels a little soft, and we are really trying to convey strength – I’m sorry I can’t be more specific on that part #264 – Clever logo #248 – This has been one of our favorites, but I’m not sure the mountains here do a good job representing who we are. We really like the “strength” of this logo and I like the font #148 – Really cool logo – not crazy about the font but it does match the logo – maybe if the logo background looked more like a rock or a stone and a different more classic font? #108 – We like this one a lot too – Only trouble here is whether or not the leaves in the logo will come out if we are getting things embroidered #99 – Love the logo – not really the “O” in Rock – also, it would be really cool if we could incorporate a rock or stone in the design somehow #15 – Love the font

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  • October 26, 2017 11:41 AM
    MellatiLogos MellatiLogos
    hallo sir can you blind this contest back :) thank you :)

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  • October 26, 2017 11:39 AM
    MellatiLogos MellatiLogos
    hallo pak, can you blind this contest back :) thank you :)

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  • October 25, 2017 1:26 PM
    moble007 moble007
      Project Holder
    Hey Everyone, Thank you all for your submissions thus far. There are some really incredible designs out there. In general, here are some notes to consider as you continue. As always, feel free to scrap my notes and "Wow" me with new cool ideas. I am definitely not very skillful at describing what exactly I like. It's more of a "know it when you see it" type thing. Notes: - I really like the simplistic designs that either incorporate a tree, leaf, rock, etc. into the name or as a single addition to the name - Also, I really like the idea of having a leaf or tree or something coming out of a rock. This perfectly symbolized that we are a Green company that has a lot to do with mining or geology - Anything that shows we're a conservation company with a geology component and real estate. I know that's a lot to make a simple logo out of - Would love to see some pairings where a leaf and rock are together OR a tree and a rock OR ... - Would also love some more options where it's just a Font with a clever add on as symbolism - Again, please feel free to scrap all the advice and send in whatever you want! I really am bad at this, but I am trying my best to provide feedback. Thanks again! You are all very talented! Keep up the good work!!!

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