General Contractor - Commercial Construction Logo


Contest Holder ElBayu ?

Last Logged in : 5117days15hrs ago

Concepts Submitted


Guaranteed Prize


A Logo, Monogram, or Icon veildAll design entries can be viewed by other designers. Featured Featured Contest

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Project Finalized

Project: General Contractor - Commercial C ...
Industry: Construction Logo
Contest Launched: Jan 07, 2011
Selected: 1 winning design from 137 concepts
Winning Design by: sihem
Close Date: Jan 14, 2011

General Contractor - Commercial Construction Logo - Construction

Awarded as a winner
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Creative Brief

General Contractor - Commercial Construction Logo



Small-mid general contractor/construction manager located in South Florida. Owner has been in industry for 17 years and starting own business (single Owner) after business partner passed away and dissolved company. Owner is aggressive, ambitious, confident, forward thinking, intelligent, late 30's. Almost all work is large commercial (office,industrial,religious,custom home, healthcare). Also provide emergency restoration services.



Abstract Mark
Abstract Mark


Blue - Green - Orange - Charcoal We like these colors in general, but am leaving the creativity and combinations to you all. We are open to suggestions.

not sure

Absolutely no play on the letters of the name. They are an acronym for my children and are not to be used in the logo.

A thought, but not a necessary need for implementation...In my business, I prepare a schedule that indicates tasks and their respective durations for every project I construct. The schedule is in the format of a GANTT chart. Take a look online at the various gantt charts and you may be able to derive some ideas from their appearance.
I also DO NOT want any roofs with chimneys, houses, tools, people, hard hats, detailed buildings. Keep it clean/simple.

The name does not need to be in all CAPS. Whatever you think works.

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  • January 14, 2011 3:13 PM
    Nancy7 Nancy7
    Click Here For Free Vectors, Icons, Psd Files, Templates, Flash Files & more :

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  • January 14, 2011 7:04 AM
    ElBayu ElBayu
      Project Holder
    I just dropped a few of you and would like to thank you for your submissions. This has really been a fun process. I am nowhere near making a decision. I will be having a selection 'party' with the family this weekend. I can tell you what the front runners are in no particular order. Input from five (5) people leads to 10 selections, but that's what this is about: 2, 16, 26, 39, 46, 47, 52, 72, 83, 107 and I have not even evaluated the new ones. I'll have some new eyes on them this weekend and get back to you. Thank You again.

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  • January 12, 2011 7:51 PM
    ElBayu ElBayu
      Project Holder
    To all: You guys are awesome. I just sat down and will start picking/dropping some of the submissions. I should be complete tomorrow and will update as well as I can. Please check back tomorrow evening for my thoughts. Thank You all for your hard work.

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  • January 09, 2011 7:35 PM
    ElBayu ElBayu
      Project Holder
    To all designers: We are amazed by all of the submissions and applaud you on your creativity and design talents. Thank You. I have made several eliminations based on much of the feedback received and offer the following: 30-34: The GB was too ornate We don't care too much for any circular figures, although #26 remains. We like the colors in the remaining submissions (the blue/charcoal, really like the colors in #22) We would like to see a few more submissions with the name instead of GB (wife and I are battling over this) #20 - can you try this one in a larger size #21 - mixed reviews on this. I'm not loving the G, but maybe a revision would work I'll post later this week. Thank You all again for your work.

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  • January 08, 2011 12:55 PM
    ElBayu ElBayu
      Project Holder
    Thank you all for the prompt entries: I'll start with the ones I do not care for: #3 & #4 are too busy and have too much color, so I would recommend keeping the colors to just 2 max. #5 may just be too busy. I would eventually need to make this into a logo for a shirt and need something that can translate. I don't care for the confinement of the box in #6 or the roof like symbol in #10 Leaders are #1, #2 & #9. While I did not think I would like a play on individual letters, I am liking the GB concept. I will be sharing this with family and friends soon for input. Looking forward to this process. Thank You

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  • January 08, 2011 11:48 AM
    barissevinc barissevinc
    Dear DH can you give us some feedback :)

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