Live Project


Project Finalized

Creative Brief
Faux Liquor Tax Stamp
Short Mountain Moonshine Faux Tax Stamp
This is the design for a sticker that fits over the cork of a liquor bottle. These are no longer used but we would like to capture the feel of the era from which they come. 600dpi for print 125mm long and 15mm wide language: TENNESSEE MOONSHINE, possible images: whiskey barrels, mules, corn, moon, filligree color: monotones preferred like in the sample links Samples: http://www.rdhinstl.com/tpd/liquor.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Y_CvIxe4gBg/TO0Ck7dCGXI/AAAAAAAAQxk/I7Ua8QUuuQ0/s1600/cigar_tax_stamps.jpg http://alphabetilately.com/Trains/RS161d.jpg http://cigarhistory.info/Dating/Dating_Tax_Stamps_files/UnNamed28.jpg http://www.jackdanielscollector.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/PS_Tenn_Stamp_R.jpg
Liquor Consumers
600dpi for print 125mm long and 15mm wide language: TENNESSEE MOONSHINE
Project Holder
Project Holder
Project Holder